HTLC News, December 27, 2019

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, December 29, is the First Sunday of Christmas. Yes, the twelve days of Christmas start Christmas Day and run through January 5 (a rule I invoke every year when I’m late getting Christmas stuff done).  We will be having a SINGLE SERVICE AT  10 AM (ouch, that was loud!) followed by a Christmas Brunch in Holland Hall at about 11 am.  It also is the fifth Sunday of the month, so it should be Stewardship Sunday.  However, I don’t think we’ll be having anything stewardship-y going on (more carols and food!), so just keep in mind that this is the last Sunday of 2019 for you to help our budget and claim your donation on your 2019 taxes.

Thank you to all who made our Christmas Eve services so wonderful:  worship helpers, musicians, poinsettia donors, and a special thank you to Meg Ehmann for decorating the Narthex and Altar, and Carmen Blair for arranging the poinsettias. It was all so beautiful!  Those of you who who have not taken home your poinsettias yet, please pick them up this Sunday or they will suffer under my black gardening thumb for another week.  And thanks to Randy and Vicky for all the great Mardi Gras food at their place between services.  It really was a “Fat Tuesday!”

We had 90 gift tags this year for our Adopt an Angel foster kids. We received close to 150 gifts, including 8 bicycles and $780 in cash which bought several of the bikes and other gifts, plus several Target and Walmart gift cards. Thanks to the congregation for their continued generosity! Great job, everybody!

The Daytimers raised $1,430 over the past year for our Good Samaritan Fund.  Each month on the third Tuesday, they have a potluck after Bible Study and take up a collection.  The money is used for those who show up at our door in immediate need – member or not.  Everyone is invited to the Daytimers’ Luncheons, but you won’t have to wait for the next one to contribute to the Good Samaritan Fund – it will be next month’s Cause of the Month! 

Next Sunday, January 5, we are back to our regular two-service schedule at 8:45 am (21st Century Traditional) and 11 am (Service of Living Praise) with Sunday School returning between services at 10 am.  Adult Forum will hopefully return sometime in January, but Pastor Tim is still looking for people to lead it so John Williams can take a well-deserved break.  Is that someone you?  Let Pastor Tim know!  We will be observing Epiphany a day early next Sunday with nachos – just like the three wise men did!

Merry 3rd day of Christmas!  Have chicken for dinner in honor of the 3 French hens (I can’t wait until the 5th day of Christmas – onion rings and donuts!).  See you in church!


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