HTLC News Email, January 10, 2020

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, January 12, is the First Sunday after Epiphany and Fill the Food Barrel Sunday.  There is a Nominating Committee Meeting between services (don’t make eye contact if you don’t want to be on Council) and all are welcome to attend the Council Meeting at 12:15 pm after the second service.  The agenda will include the budget and preparation for the Annual Meeting, as well as reviewing a new Stewardship program for 2020.

Our Annual Congregational Meeting is coming up on February 9th at 11 am after a single worship service at 10 am. Consider this your 30-day reminder.  Mark your calendars and plan to attend – everyone’s input is valued and needed as we review what we’ve done this past year and make decisions about the future of HTLC.

Next Sunday, January 19, there will be a Worship Committee Meeting at 12:15 pm after services . We will be discussing Lent, Holy Week, and Easter services.  Fresh ideas are welcome (but don’t bother mentioning a disco ball in the sanctuary for Easter Sunday – believe me, I’ve tried!).  And as if Nominating, Council, Annual, and Worship meetings weren’t enough, I know there are also Stewardship and Spaghetti Feed meetings in the works.  All you church meeting fanatics “stay tuned!” (a phrase that comes up a lot in Instrumental Group)

That unofficial high holy holiday, Superbowl Sunday, is coming up on February 2nd; which means it’s time for the Souper Bowl of Caring!  Holy Trinity has participated in this nationwide event since 2006 and over the last 14 years we have raised thousands for local food pantries/kitchens and have donated hundreds of food items.  We will also have our traditional Soup Potluck between services.  The sign-up sheet to bring soup is on the Media Table (but please, don’t bring groundhog soup in honor of February 2nd – I’ve already got it covered!).

See you in church!


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