HTLC News Email, January, 2020

Hi, Everybody:
This Sunday, January 26, is the Third Sunday after Epiphany.  It’s the first Lutheran Loose Change Sunday of the year, so let’s start the year right with lots of clinking sounds emanating from the narthex.  There will be a Spaghetti Feed Meeting at about 12:15 pm to plan the details of the annual Spaghetti Feed, which is coming up on March 14.  All interested parties please show up.  Speaking of interesting parties,  It’s also Reconciling in Christ Sunday when we celebrate our commitment to be welcoming to everybody including the LGBTQIA+ community (We have our own community?  Where is it?  Do Richard and I have to move there?  Why doesn’t someone tell me these things?!).  Look for special liturgies during the services, colorful treats between the services, and new church banners facing Blacow Road displaying the RIC logo in all its rainbow-colored glory!

Next Sunday, February 2, brings the annual Souper Bowl of Caring and between-service Soup Potluck (oh, and the actual Super Bowl itself later, if you really care about those things).  Here’s your chance to wear your favorite sports attire to church (where did I put that sumo wrestling outfit?).  Be sure to bring some money to throw in the soup pots and non-perishable food for local food pantries as part of this nation-wide effort to feed those less fortunate than ourselves (and much less fortunate than football players).  Please sign up at the Media Table if you plan to bring soup for the between-service potluck.  Hospitality will be providing rolls and beverages.

Don’t forget (no matter how hard you try) that the Annual Congregational Meeting is on February 9 at 11 am after a single worship service at 10 am.  Make sure you come and sign in – we will need a quorum (but hopefully not a quarrel).

See you in church!


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