HTLC News Email, February 14, 2020

Hi, Everybody, and happy Saint Valentines’s Day!  Saint Valentine, the patron saint of love, epilepsy, and beekeeping, was a Roman priest who was jailed, beaten and beheaded for his faith in the 3rd century.  Let’s celebrate with flowers and chocolates!

This Sunday, February 16, is the 6th Sunday after Epiphany, and Fill the Food Barrel Sunday. There is a Stewards of God’s Love Meeting after the second service in the Activity Room.  What will this year’s theme be?  I doubt it will be the “Giving Tree” again, since Pastor Tim re-purposed it for a Halloween decoration at Trunk-or-Treat!

Congratulations to Roy Heaivilin, Joe Smith, and Collin Thormoto for being elected to Council at the Annual Meeting last week.  Thank you for your willingness to serve.  Also a big thanks to outgoing Council Members Anthony Di Paola, Meg Ehmann, Tammy Kuhlmann, Shawn Lullo, and Dean Sieglaff for their service.  And congratulations (or would that be condolences?) to the appointed and approved Financial Secretary Cheryl Hall, Recording Secretary Kathy Miedema, and Treasurer Terri MacFarlane.  Your dedication is appreciated!

Next Sunday, February 23, is both Transfiguration Sunday and Bold Women’s Day.  Transfiguration, the last Sunday of the Epiphany season, is when Jesus is revealed on the mountain by glowing with brilliant light.  We’ll celebrate brilliant, bold women of faith with special liturgies, women worship helpers, and a visit from our own Minister in Context (Teaching Parish Student), Libby Denton.

Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the season of Lent, is coming up on February 26. We will be having a solemn service at 7 pm which includes the imposition of ashes, and the choir singing an appropriately gloomy song.

Beginning Wednesday, March 4 at 6:30 pm and continuing each Wednesday through April 1, we will be having our Midweek Lenten Services. These are short, half-hour, meditative services. This year we will be using the popular and calming Haugen Vespers setting. Come for a brief respite and to re-focus on your Lenten journey.

The Spaghetti Feed is approaching on March 14, 4 pm to 8 pm.  Look for people to be selling tickets each Sunday:  $15 for adults, $12 for seniors, $10 for kids, and $45 for a family of four.  Flyers should also be ready this Sunday for you to give to friends (or strangers) and to post in your favorite haunts (with permission).  Only four weeks left to prepare!

See you in church!  (leftover Valentine’s chocolates may be placed in the office)


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