HTLC Email News, July 10, 2020

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, July 12th, is the 6th Sunday of Pentecost and Scrip Sunday.  Register for a scrip account at with Holy Trinity’s enrollment code: B768EC1D14576 – we get money while you shop!  We will be having our Online Worship Service available Sunday on on our website ( as is our “new normal” (the latest phrase to annoy me in these difficult/uncertain/trying times).  Also newly normal will be Zoom Communion at 9:45 am, which will be happening each Sunday for the foreseeable future, followed by the by-now-normal Zoom Coffee Chat at 10 am, including Neal and Rene’s Safari Pics (this time for sure!).  Carmen will be filling in for Marta as host this week.  I’m attaching a PDF of the Zoom instructions to this email (so non-Zoomsters don’t wear out their scrolling fingers).

Next Sunday, we will have our second annual Christmas in July service (a new abnormal!).  Just a bit of wackiness to relieve your COVID constancy.  There’ll be Christmas music and decorations to enliven the service. So haul out the holly and hang some tinsel on that evergreen bough, because we need a little Christmas now!

If you’re like me, you probably miss having all of our HTLC food-centric events like the Seder Meal, Easter Breakfast, Mother’s Day Brunch, Father’s Day BBQ, etc. – why, I’m as thin as a rail!  (I may have looked fat on the virtual service a few weeks ago, but remember – the camera adds ten pounds [and no cracks about “Just how many cameras were on you?!”])  Well, waste away no more!  I’ve been told plans are in the works for a Virtual Spaghetti Feed on the evening of Saturday Aug 29th!  There’ll be meals available for pickup (delivery option available if requested), online content, virtual auction and raffle, and much more.  Meal options and ticket prices to be announced soon.  Mark your calendar!

For those who don’t get the ELCA Sierra Pacific Synod newsletter, on Wednesday they updated their in-person worship recommendation: “…we are encouraging congregations not to begin in-person worship before September 30th.”  And yesterday they announced:  “…the 2020 Synod Assembly will be postponed to 2021.  Just thought you ought to know.

You may remember that three months ago I was already complaining about the proliferation of COVID-19 “caring” commercials (in my April 17 email, to be exact).  It hasn’t gotten any better, as evidenced by this lovely montage on YouTube called “Every COVID-19 Commercial Is Exactly the Same” .  I just had to share it if only to make others as amused/annoyed as I am!

– Keith

your friendly PLC (Parish Life Cynic)

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