HTLC News Email, July 24, 2020

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, July 26, is the 8th Sunday after Pentecost and Mt. Cross Camp Sunday!  Mt. Cross Ministries ( has been our cause of the month this July, and they have provided videos for a worship service to congregations who want to show support.  For 70 years Mt. Cross has been providing summer camps, retreats, and other events in the redwoods of the Santa Cruz Mountains.  They are jointly owned by the ELCA and LC-MS, but adhere to ELCA theology, culture, and values.  We hope you enjoy seeing some new faces and the different energy they bring to the service.

“But,” I hear you saying, “does this mean Pastor Tim gets out of doing a Sermon this Sunday?”  Well, yes – but that’s because we are having this special Camp Sunday!  However, Pastor Tim is taking a week off for a vacation – and well-deserved it is, too (You don’t know how tiring it is to constantly be in Zoom meetings and to work from home with all the familial distractions – well, maybe you do!).  Anyway, PT will be unavailable Tuesday through next Sunday.  Yes, that means another fill-in sermon next week, but we’ll be keepin’ it local with Pastor Barbara of weekly devotion fame, so you know it’ll be good!

Get your pocket book and stomach ready, because we can now confirm that OVER 50 items will be available during the Spaghetti Feed virtual auction on Saturday, Aug 29th.  Meal tickets for the event are $15 per person and include spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, and tiramisu.  Food pick-up will be from 4:30 pm to 6 pm at Holy Trinity (delivery available upon request), with online content and auction/raffle between 5 pm and 7 pm.  Due to COVID restrictions and the nature of the event this year, volunteer opportunities are limited – so participation by buying tickets is essential.  Please mark your calendar to virtually dine with HTLC that evening and maybe even drop off a meal for a friend that night.  Details on purchasing tickets, raffle/auction and more to be delivered in coming weeks.

Hope you are all keeping safe and COVID-19-free. I was going to tell you why it’s called the “novel” coronavirus, but it’s a long story.*

– Keith

*not an original Keith joke – I stole it from some website.

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