HTLC News Email, November 13, 2020

Hi, Everybody, and happy Friday the 13th!

This Sunday, November 15, is the 24th Sunday after Pentecost and Fill the Food Barrel Sunday (you can drop off non-perishables this Sunday morning between 9:00 and 11:00).  No Adult Forum this Sunday, but thanks to Dean Sieglaff for his very informative and interesting (I hear) presentation on the Star of Bethlehem last week.  Zoom Coffee ChatCommunion, and Sunday School will be happening as usual at 9:15, 9:45, and 10:00 AM, and the Worship Service will be online once again.  Details will be in Sunday’s email.

Pastor Tim would like to thank everybody for the (super-secret) Pastor Appreciation gift during Coffee Chat last Sunday.  His thank-you letter is attached to this email.  The total came to $2,069.09 (blame Arnold Kuhlmann for the nine cents).  Great job, everybody, and thanks for keeping it a secret just between the hundred and eight of us who get these emails! (I knew I could trust you!)
Also attached to this email are the approved Minutes from the October Council Meeting.  Just wanted to prevent the hordes of people coming by to ask for them in person.

You may remember that Loretta Heihn passed away last May, and we haven’t had a chance to get together for a memorial due to COVID-19 (you can still view her memorial page at!/Obituary).  Cheryl Gunsell, Loretta’s daughter, would like some of Loretta’s belongings to go to good homes.  She has lovingly set them out on tables in Holland Hall.  You are invited to come by during office hours (M-F, 10-2) or Sunday mornings (9-11) to see if there are things you could use or keep to remember her by.  You may want to call first to make sure I’m there – my hours sometimes fluctuate in these difficult, troubled, unusual times (actually, it’s due to my own laziness in the mornings – I now blame all my shortcomings on the coronavirus!).  Please wear a mask and use the hand sanitizer provided.

Next Sunday, November 22, is Thankoffering/Christ the King Sunday.  This year, instead of making it a WELCA-specific Sunday (you know, with the special blue envelopes in the pews), Cheryl Hall suggested we make donations to the ELCA COVID-19 Response Fund (  More details next week.

Confused by the HTLC Constitution stuff from John Williams last week?  Don’t be!  Ask him questions during the Adult Forums on November 22 and November 29.  Tune in by Zoom at 10 AM as John explains it all for you.  And don’t forget the drive-by voting on the constitutional changes on December 6 between 10 AM and 1 PM – we need a quorum!

Carmen is asking for your family Christmas photos to use during the music in the planned online and live-streaming versions of our Christmas Eve services and the following Sunday’s online service.  Photos of your manger scenes, baby’s first Christmas, and other Christmas photos can be emailed to her at  Just make sure everyone in the photos won’t mind being seen all over the internet (you know, like the one where your cousin is caught stashing his slice of fruitcake in the potted plant).

– Keith, your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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