HTLC News Email, November 27, 2020

Hi, Everybody:

Before I forget, Briita Ehlers has a message for the women in our email audience:  “Ladies, get your mammograms!”  (she didn’t have a chance to do it in person last month)

This Sunday is the 1st Sunday of Advent, so dust off those Advent candle wreaths and fill those Advent calendars with treats!  Online Worship, Zoom Communion and Zoom Adult Forum all continue as usual.  Once again, at this Sunday’s Adult Forum John Williams will field questions about the church’s constitution and the changes we will be voting on next week at the Drive-by Voting.  Please feel free to ask John any constitutional questions (“How is your constitution doing lately, John?”).

Speaking of the Drive-by Voting, it takes place December 6th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.  We need a quorum of people to drive up, sign in, and fill out a short ballot.  So easy!  Plus, I hear there will be treats distributed as well as a flyer about…

HTLC Advent Night on Zoom!  Join us at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 12, for a talent show, holiday sweater contest, an interview with our Christmas pageant stars and more fun!  We’ll also be holding an end-of-the-year Pledge Drive to help balance the budget.  Pets are welcome to attend; festive attire is applauded. Sign up to be in the talent show (music, jokes, performances or pet tricks) with Marta Wicke.  We look forward to seeing you on Zoom!

Don’t forget about Adopt an Angel’s $25 Gift Card Drive!  Monday, Nov 30 is the last day to order the gift cards through Scrip and Friday, December 4 is the last day to donate!  Gift cards from Amazon, Target, Walmart, or Visa can also be purchased in-store and mailed to Cheryl Kuhlmann  or to church (only if you mail it VERY soon).  Or drop off the cards at church during office hours (M-F 10-11, call first).  You can also donate money towards the gift cards by mailing a check (soon!) made out to Cheryl Kuhlmann or through the Give+ app or website (use the “Adopt an Angel” category).  So many ways to ensure a merrier Christmas for kids in foster care!  Thanks to all who have already donated!

Mark your calendars for Sunday, December 13, when Kathleen Keating and the Sunday School kids will be presenting a virtual version of this year’s Christmas Pageant!  What clever stuff will Kathleen come up with this year? (no pressure!)

For Adult Forum on December 20 at 10 a.m., Dean Sieglaff will present Bethlehem Star Part II.  It’s bound to be just as dazzling as part one!

December 20 will also see the Choir Sermon-in-Song as part of the online Worship Service.  I plan on creating it from recordings Arnold Kuhlman has made the past couple of years, since the choir can’t get together to rehearse/perform due to COVID-19.

There will be two versions of our Christmas Eve Services:  a pre-recorded online version à la our Sunday services, and a live-by-Zoom version (cross your fingers!) at 5 p.m.  Get your candles ready to light while we all sing “Silent Night” together (virtually, of course). Details will be forthcoming.

To sum up, Here’s a list of special services and events:

  • Nov. 29:  Adult Forum – HTLC’s Constitution – 10 a.m. live by Zoom
  • Dec. 06:  Drive-by Voting – 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Dec. 12:  HTLC Advent Night and Pledge Drive – 6 p.m. live by Zoom
  • Dec. 13:  Christmas Pageant – pre-recorded online
  • Dec. 20:  Choir Sermon-in-Song – pre-recorded online
  • Dec. 20:  Adult Forum – Bethlehem Star Part II – 10 a.m. live by Zoom
  • Dec. 24:  Christmas Eve Services – pre-recorded online and 5 p.m. live by Zoom
  • Dec. 27:  Christmas Carol Service – pre-recorded online

Finally, here’s a picture of last Sunday’s altar decorations to bring you some Thanksgiving cheer.  Hope you all had a safe and sensational celebration!

– Keith, your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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