HTLC News Email, January 1, 2021

Hi, Everybody, and welcome to a well-deserved New Year!

First, some sad news:  long time HTLC member Betty Roa passed away peacefully on Sunday, December 27.  Please keep her family and friends in your prayers.  There are no plans for a memorial service at this time.

This Sunday, January 3, 2021, is the 2nd Sunday of Christmas (the twelve days of Christmas start on Christmas Day).  However, since Epiphany (which is always January 6) falls on a Wednesday, we will also be celebrating Epiphany this Sunday.  That’s when the wise men follow the star and find Jesus.  Usually, we end the Epiphany service by lighting candles, turning off the Christmas tree lights, and carrying the lit candles as we leave – symbolically bringing the light out into the world.  So have your candles ready at home so you can light them while watching the online service.  (Of course, carrying them from the computer screen to the drawer in the kitchen where you keep half-used candles doesn’t quite have the same effect – but what can you do?).  No Adult Forum this Sunday, but Coffee Chat and Communion will happen as usual via Zoom at 9:15 a.m. and 9:45 a.m. respectively.  Details will be sent Sunday morning.

The virtual Annual Meeting is coming up on February 21 at noon.  It will be held via Zoom so that you can participate by computer or by phone (snacks will be your own responsibility this year).  I’ll let you know the Zoom information closer to the date – just wanted to give you something to put on that brand new 2021 calendar of yours.

The Cause of the Month for January is the Good Samaritan Fund.  This is the fund of cash and gift cards we keep on hand to help those who come to our doors in need.  Right now, there is very little in the fund for us to give out.  Usually, the Tuesday Bible Study group is the main source for the fund – they take up a collection when they have luncheons once a month.  Unfortunately, they haven’t been able to meet since oh, let’s say, last March (I wonder why).  If you can help with a donation of money or gift cards for food, please label it as for Cause of the Month or Good Samaritan fund and send it to either the church or Treasurer Terri’s house.  You can also use the Give+ app and choose “Cause of the Month.”  Thank you.

As my New Year’s gift to you, here’s a picture of all of us together – in puzzle piece form!  Can you find yours?

Finally, I’d like to share one of my favorite songs from back in 2002 that seems particularly appropriate for this New Year’s Day.  Here’s “What a Year for a New Year” by Dan Wilson:  I hope you find it as comforting as I do.

– Keith, your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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