HTLC News Email, March 12, 2021

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, March 14, is the 4th Sunday in Lent and Scrip Sunday.  The usual COVID schedule applies, but remember to set your clocks ahead 1 hour Saturday night/Sunday morning for Daylight Savings Time.  By the way, March 15, 2020 was the day we stopped having in-person worship services, so happy coronaversary, I guess.  Let’s hope there isn’t another!

There will be a Council Meeting this Sunday at 11 a.m.  They will be determining who has to gets to be president, vice president, etc.  Then I can change the labels on the mailboxes that I never got around to changing last year because that’s when the pandemic hit.  (COVID is my go-to excuse for everything!)

Holy Week is coming up fast.  For Palm Sunday on March 28, we will be having a pre-recorded online worship service, so no palm procession again this year (feel free to parade with palm branches in your own home – watch out for lamps).  Maundy Thursday and Good Friday will both have online pre-recorded services as well.  However, Easter Sunday, April 4, we will be having a live virtual worship service (by Zoom and YouTube) and a Drive-by Easter Breakfast.  Details about times, sign-ups, and such will be coming soon (I hope).

Only two more Wednesdays of our Midweek Lenten Services at 6:30 p.m. by Zoom.  If you haven’t attended one yet, you should.  They’re only a half hour long, and you get to watch the Singing Heads, hear the inner thoughts of Biblical characters, and meet fellow Lutherans.  Christ the King will be hosting this coming Wednesday.

Celebrate the coronaversary with cake! (any excuse for cake!)

– Keith, your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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