HTLC New Email, April 2, 2021

Hi, Everybody, and a solemn Good Friday to you all!  (Happy Good Friday just doesn’t sound right, somehow.)

Today is Good Friday, a day to remember Jesus’ crucifixion and death.  We’ll be having an Online Worship Service available later today.  I’ll let you know when it’s ready to view.  It’s a Tenebrae service (service of darkness and shadows) with the extinguishing of candles, so you’ll want to view it in the evening anyway.  This version only uses seven candles, so if you want to recreate the experience at home, you won’t need fifteen candles like I told you last week.  There is no bulletin for this service – just watch, participate, meditate, sing, and let the meaning wash over you. (You can even cry – you’re at home where no one will see!)

If you’re looking for an in-person Good Friday experience, Christ the King Lutheran Church (you know their Pastor Tia from her devotions) is having a physically-distanced Stations of the Cross.  Here is their description of it:Good Friday: 14 interactive stations of the cross will be awaiting you on Good Friday at CTK. The stations will be open from 4 to 5 pm. Together with many volunteers we have prepared spaces for you to rethink the passion story and connect it anew with your life. There will be time for walking a small labyrinth, prayers, questions, learning, meditation, singing and listening. Bring your mask, keep your distance and enjoy. Christ the King is at 1301 Mowry Ave, Fremont, CA  94538.

Easter Sunday we will be having a Live-Streaming Service at 9:30 a.m. through Zoom and YouTube (instructions and links will be sent later).  It includes Communion, so be sure to have your bread and wine handy.  Stay online to chat afterwards if you like.  And don’t forget, today is the last day to make reservations for the Drive-Thru Easter Breakfast! (A little bunny told me there may even be bags of treats for the young-uns!)  Click here to go to the sign-up document for number of breakfasts and pick-up time.  If you’d like to help offset the cost of the breakfast, there is an “Easter Breakfast” category on the Give+ app. 

During the Easter worship service, we will be using our newly-installed cameras and streaming equipment (Apparently, we only ty out new things on major holidays, so our lack of expertise will have the maximum exposure!).  Which brings me to the Cause of the Month, which is the Audio-Visual Phase 2 fund.  Through our online services, we have been reaching not only the members we used to see in person each Sunday, but new friends who have never seen our church in person!  It reminds me of one of my favorite hymns “All Are Welcome” where it says, “Let us build a house where hands will reach beyond the wood and stone to heal and strengthen, serve and teach, and live the Word they’ve known.”  As usual, mark donations as “Cause of the Month.” 
Have a solemn Good Friday and a joyous Easter!

– Keith, your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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