HTLC News Email, April 9, 2021

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday is the 2nd Sunday of Easter and Scrip Sunday.  There will be Zoom Coffee Chat at 9:15 a.m. and Zoom Communion at 9:45 a.m. as usual, but no Confirmation Class.  There’s a Council Meeting by Zoom at 11 a.m. – contact Marta Wicke if you are interested in attending (extra wine at communion advised, but not required).
The online worship service this Sunday is provided by the Sierra Pacific, Southwest California, Pacifica, Grand Canyon, and Rocky Mountain Synods of the ELCA.  They wanted to give those of us who have been producing weekly online services a break – and who are we to refuse such a sweet, thoughtful offer?  (it’s not that we’re lazy – much).  I’ve seen it already, and I can recommend it – it’s well-produced and diverse.  I’m just not supposed to share it with you yet (they probably don’t want a bunch of bootleg copies going around!).

Thanks to all who took part in last week’s Easter service – our first live-streaming service with our new equipment.  It was a qualified success! (there were a few technical glitches).  This bodes well for future streaming services.  Thanks, too, to Hospitality for the delicious drive-thru Easter Breakfast.  And I personally want to thank all the choir members and instrumentalists who participated in the virtual choir video.  Several people were even able to supply multiple parts (Kathleen wins with a whopping 7 parts, narrowly beating Dean’s total of 5!).  I also want to (sarcastically) thank Zoom for constantly resizing their window, turning the mute button into a moving target (I hope none of my under-the-breath comments made it onto the air!).

Coming Soon – a new survey about COVID-related worship possibilities, preferences, and opportunities.  Watch your inbox!

– Keith, your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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