HTLC News Email, July 9, 2021

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, July 11, is the 7th Sunday of Pentecost and Scrip Sunday.  The schedule is our latest normal:  Zoom Coffee Chat at 9:15 a.m., Zoom Communion at 9:30 a.m., Outdoor Worship Service at 10 a.m., Online Worship Service at anytime-you-darn-well-please.  There is a Church Council Meeting at noon via Zoom.  Contact Marta Wicke if you’re interested in attending.

Our July Cause of the Month is Teachers at Holy Trinity.  We have quite a few accredited teachers in our congregation who inform and inspire our children. Teachers, despite being notoriously underpaid, often end up buying school supplies and materials out of their own pockets – especially during the pandemic. We can show our appreciation of the educators among us by helping defray the cost that their dedication often incurs. This year, instead of collecting supplies which they may or may not be able to use, please consider a monetary donation. Be sure your donation is marked as for the Cause of the Month, or give through the Give+ app under the Cause of the Month category. Thank you!

Be a worship helper – we need you!  Both the outdoor and online services need liturgists and readers (you can do either service or both – contact Carmen Blair). The online recordings are done by Zoom with Carmen.  Ushers are needed at the outdoor services to make sure everybody has a bulletin, communion elements, and a chair (contact Michael Di Paola).  It’s easy, and you can practice your speaking skills in front of an audience that’s not allowed to judge you (lest they be judged when it’s their turn!).

Future volunteer opportunities will abound!  When we go back to indoor services (September? maybe… COVID only knows!), we will also need altar guild, acolytes, communion assistants, and greeters once more (see Carmen).  We’ll also need to put together a new team of people to run cameras, soundboard, and computer for live streaming and recording.  We could even come up with a cool group name (Sound Squad? Media Mafia? Camera Clique?).  Let me know if you’re interested.  We’ll all be learning this stuff together – get in on the ground floor! (Yes, I’m aware that Holy Trinity buildings only have ground floors.)

– Keith, your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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