HTLC News Email, August 15, 2021

Hi, Everybody:

I’m back from vacation, which means Office Hours are back in force: M-F, 10-2 (well, realistically, 10-ish to 3-ish… I am not a morning person!).

This Sunday, August 15, is the 12th Sunday after Pentecost and Fill the Food Barrel Sunday.  The schedule is as usual:  Zoom Coffee Chat at 9:15 a.m., Zoom Communion at 9:30 a.m., Outdoor Worship Service at 10 a.m., and a pre-recorded Online Worship Service will be available.  There will be a Zoom Worship Committee Meeting at 1 p.m.

COVID-19 and its Alpha-Beta-Gamma-Delta frat brothers are still causing mayhem – primarily among the unvaccinated, but not exclusively.  Therefore, the Church Council has decided that we will be continuing our 10 am Sunday morning worship on the patio for the foreseeable future. Council will be revisiting our worship schedule at their monthly meetings. They also will be monitoring the air quality during this fire season.  Better safe than smoky!

Terri has released the Financial Report for July.  The bottom line (and in this case, it really is the bottom line of the report) – we are about $9,000.00 in the hole general-fund-wise.  While giving is up from earlier in the year (for which we are grateful), we are still struggling.  At the risk of sounding like a broken record (or, for our younger audience, a corrupted, endlessly repeating digital music file), I’ll remind you of the many ways you can give:

  • Use the GivePlus Mobile App 
  • Text your offering to 8449771024 
  • Sign up for Simply Giving
  • Mail cash or check to the church or drop it off in the locked mailbox
  • Mail or drop off cash or check to Treasurer Terri MacFarlane’s house
  • Place your offering in the offering tray at the entrance/exit of the patio area at the Sunday Outdoor Services (envelopes available on the Usher’s Table)

And no, I’m not explaining what cash, check, mail, and envelopes are – ask your parents! (or maybe it’s grandparents by now…)

– Keith, your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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