Devotion for August 18, 2021 from Pastor Barbara Caine of Holy Redeemer:
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. John 1:5
On Sunday afternoon, while talking to my five year old grandson I said something like, “Well, you don’t want to catch a cold.” He looked curiously at me and said, “What’s a cold?”
I was astonished until I realized that he’d been three years old when the shelter in place order began, so he has no memory of having had a cold. It made me wonder what else he’s missed since then, preschool, play dates, eating at McDonalds, going to Sunday School, go to Mt. Cross….. What a lot he has to look forward to! At least I hope he can do those things soon….
It made me think about those who’ve never experienced church or faith practices or prayer or a community of people of faith…. What a lot they have to look forward to! At least I hope they do….
A life of faith is a privilege and many people have never experienced it. Oh, they likely have experienced wonder and love and family, but have they had a chance to experience the idea that they are and were cherished from the moment of their conception? Have they been given the opportunity to be enveloped in profound love, a love that will never be conquered by death? Have our neighbors and loved ones who do not know God’s love ever experienced a forgiveness that seeps into one’s very bones, and causes them to realize a compassion for others that is beyond their own understanding? Have they known a community that would accept them and care for them, no matter what?
We are privileged, we people of faith. We, even in this present darkness, have a light we can and do share, with each other, and with the world. Let your light shine, people of God! Let your light shine!
In Christ,
Pastor Barbara