HTLC News Email – August 27, 2021

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, August 29, is the 14th Sunday after Pentecost.  The schedule is as usual:  Zoom Coffee Chat at 9:15 am, Zoom Communion at 9:30 am, Outdoor Worship Service at 10 am, and a pre-recorded Online Worship Service will be available.  Links will be in your email Saturday evening or Sunday morning (that’s internet links, not sausage links – alas!).

Rally Day is coming up on September 12 – only two weeks away!  Instead of going back to two services as we would normally do, we’ll be sticking with the schedule we’ve been having this summer (see above).  Virtual Sunday School, Adult Forum, and Confirmation Class will be starting up at as-yet-to-be-determined times (or at least as-yet-to-be-told-to-me), so fervently watch your emails for updates!

The Christmas Pageant this year will be an online phenomenon!  Kathleen has written a new script, & would like to include music this year, which will require a bunch of video editing. This means that things need to happen earlier than usual. The schedule tentatively looks like this (let her know if any of these dates won’t work):

  • September 26th — sing-along videos & script sent out
  • October 23rd — first rehearsal, sing-along videos due
  • October 30th — second rehearsal
  • November 6th — official run through
  • December 12th — broadcast of video

If your children would like to participate, please contact Kathleen at; she needs to know how many are interested & what roles they might like to take on — usual suspects are present this year:  shepherds, wise men, the whole bunch.  Parts will be assigned according to desired role & the amount of speaking the kids are willing/able to do.

A reminder that due to a lack of sign-ups, the Tri-City ELCA churches’ Kids’ Theater Project has been postponed.  Hopefully, when the pandemic situation gets better and it’s easier and safer for children and teens (and audiences!) to gather, we can try again.

– Keith, your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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