HTLC News Email, October 1, 2021

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, October 3rd, is the 19th Sunday after Pentecost and Animal Blessing Sunday.  Please bring any plush/stuffed animals with which you have a special bond to the 10 am Outdoor Worship Service for a blessing (masks for the stuffed animals are not required if they have their vaccination cards).  Zoom Sunday School, Coffee Chat, and Communion are as usual.  There is also a Zoom Worship Committee Meeting at 1 pm.

At 11:30 am this Sunday, we are having a Live Blessing of the Animals via Zoom (Stuffed animals and pictures of past pets are also welcome).  Please email me TODAY ( with your name, email, and pet’s name so we can plan on who’s coming.  I’ll send you an email back with the Zoom information and a bulletin.  We are doing this in conjunction with the other local ELCA churches and I have to tell ya, their sign-ups have far outstripped ours (only 1!).  You know your pet’s much more adorable and deserving of blessing than anyone else’s, so sign them up! (although it’s not a competition…)

The next special Sundays coming up are Children’s Sabbath on October 17th and Reformation Sunday on October 31st (Halloween!).  Maybe we’ll be able to hold a Reformation-themed Trunk-or-Treat (wouldn’t the kids love that!).  We’ll see what capricious COVID has to say…

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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