HTLC News Email, November 26, 2021

Hi, Everyone:

This Sunday, November 25, is the 1st Sunday in Advent (the beginning of the church year) and Lutheran Loose Change Sunday.  Once again, we will have an Outdoor Worship Service at 10 am (with distancing, masks, and probably gloves, scarves and sweaters).  Zoom Sunday School, Coffee Chat, and Communion will be at the usual times, and the pre-recorded Online Worship Service will be available.

Also this Sunday, Christ the King is inviting us to their Advent Season Fellowship at 2 pm on their patio.  There will be friendship, music, carols, cookies, and beverages.  Also Advent Wreath making if you signed up for it and bring your own greens.  It sounds like great fun – drop on by!  Here’s the address:  1301 Mowry Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538.

Next Sunday, December 5, it looks like we will be worshiping inside the Sanctuary!  The Church Council has decided it will be safe enough as long as everybody wears masks, keeps their distance (excepting your household, bubble, pod, or whatever collective noun you’re using), and if anyone has any symptoms, they should STAY AT HOME!  As with our weather-related adventure in Holland Hall, windows will be open and fans going for airflow.  We still will have the pre-recorded service available if you have reservations about attending indoors. 

December 12 promises to be eventful with the Virtual Christmas Pageant debuting online, a Council Meeting at 11:30 am, and the Living Advent Calendar that Tori Valcarcel, our Ministry in Context student with CTK is presenting at Christ the King.  It will be Tori’s last day with our churches, so come and show your support!  More details will (hopefully) be coming.

What about Christmas Eve, you say?  The latest I’ve heard is for there to be two services to keep attendance at each low.  One at 4 pm with the option of attending indoors, or outdoors with a monitor and speakers.  The other at 8 pm indoors.  However, this may change. These decisions were made before the new Omicron variant of COVID-19 I found out about today, so who knows?  Things can change quickly, so we must be prepared to be flexible.  Stay tuned!

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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