HTLC News Email, August 20, 2022

Hi, Everybody, I’m back from vacation!  (and still getting back into things – sorry this is late!)  Thanks to Rene, Neal, and Johnson for taking over camera duties while I was gone.  You did a great job!

This Sunday, August 21, is the 11th Sunday after Pentecost and Fill the Food Barrel Sunday.  In-person and livestreaming Worship Service are at 10 am as usual.  Pastor Tim is back as well.  Thanks to Karen for providing the message last week!  I had already printed the bulletin before I left with Pastor Tim’s name in it, but I’m sure you were able to figure out that it was Karen and not Pastor Tim.  You’re very observant like that!

Lots of stuff is coming up, but not a lot of specifics yet:

Plans are in the works for a joint God’s Work, Our Hands event with Holy Redeemer on Saturday, September 10.  We will be cleaning up an as-yet unnamed area in our community together.  Look for more information coming soon.  (You might want to start looking for your garish school-bus-yellow God’s Work Our Hands t-shirts, if you still have them.  Try the back of the closet.)

Rally Day is coming the next day on September 11.  We are still having a single service at 10 am for the foreseeable future.  Details are still being hashed out for Sunday School, so stay tuned.

Plans are also coming along for this year’s Christmas Pageant with kids from both HTLC and Holy Redeemer.  Kathleen is writing the script (and therefore, it will be fabulous!) and figuring out a schedule along with Pastor Barbara, Education, et al.  If you or your kids want to participate, please let her know at

Beau’s Bridge Club’s Holiday Boutique will be at Holy Trinity again this year on November 11.  This year, they’re providing us with a booth to sell our own stuff, so all you crafty people, start crafting!  More details, as they say, will be forthcoming.  Maybe we can help HTLC’s bottom line, which is actually lower than bottom at this point.  Speaking of which…

We have been running at a deficit since the end of February, and the General Fund balance is now over $14,500 in the red.  Our intrepid Treasurer Terri has been robbing Peter to pay Paul (and let’s hope Peter doesn’t find out before she gets to the Pearly Gates).  But now our bank accounts to steal from are running low (Memorial Funds are designated for other specific things).  We’ve all had some struggles these past years, and churches are no different.  I just wanted to remind you (in case you didn’t know) that we don’t receive money from the Synod, or the ELCA, or a Miracle Fund in the Sky.  It all comes from us, our members and community.  Bright ideas on how to solve this problem also come from us.  Talk to a Council Member if you’ve got one (bright idea, that is).

– Keith

your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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