HTLC News Email, September 2, 2022

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, September 4, 2022, is the 13th Sunday after Pentecost, and Nacho Name Tag Sunday.  The Worship Service is at 10 am, both in-person and livestream.  Zoom Coffee Chat (on first Sundays of the month) is at 9:15 am.  Links will be in the Saturday night/Sunday morning email.

There will be a joint God’s Work Our Hands event with Holy Redeemer on Saturday, September 10 at Fremont’s Central Park (a.k.a. Lake Elizabeth).  Sunday School kids from both churches will meet up at Sabercat Playground (near the waterslides) for a clean-up project and to meet each other.  Adults are welcome to participate as well!  Clean-up is 10am – 11pm, Sunday School meet-and-greet from 11 am to 12 pm.  Sunday School kids from the Tri-City ELCA churches will gather at Central Park (Lake Elizabeth) for a clean-up project and to meet each other.

If you have a grabber and would like to loan it to the kids to help pick up trash (and probably pinch each other), please bring it to church (CLEARLY LABELED) this Sunday and we will return it to you the following week.  Wear your “God’s Work Our Hands” shirts if you’ve got ’em! And if you don’t…

T-Shirts !  We have a few God’s Work Our Hands and Helping Hands t-shirts left for sale so you can wear them next weekend.  They’ll be available this Sunday.  Don’t miss out on this amazing fashion opportunity!

Rally Day, the kick-off for our fall Christian education schedule, will be on Sunday, September 11.  We are still having a single worship service at 10 am for the foreseeable future. Sunday School will be at 11:15 am with the first Sunday of each month being jointly held with Holy Redeemer at alternating churches, starting with HTLC on Oct. 2 (if that’s confusing, you can study the attached Sunday School schedule!).  Adult Forum and Weekday Bible Study are returning soonish.  

Choir is returning to its pre-COVID schedule.  Rehearsals will be on Wednesdays at 7 pm starting this week on September 7.  Please wear masks.  Time commitment is minimal: about 45 minutes to an hour on Wednesday nights, and a half hour before service on Sunday mornings for a quick brush-up.  If you love to sing, please come and join us.  No auditions, and no music-reading ability necessary, but I hear that choir director is a tyrant (with puns)!

Oktoberfest is planned for October 8 this year.  That means we’ll need volunteers to handle food and beverage serving, ticket selling, kids’ activities, prize drawings, decorating, clean-up, etc.  Whether we open it up to the general public like the Spaghetti Feed, or just have it be an HTLC event depends on if we get enough volunteers to help.  We’d love to have it be as big and beautiful as the Spaghetti Feed was this year!  Pastor is itching to be able to put up the banner for the public, so let us know sooner rather than later if you can help.  Just email me and I can let the appropriate folks know that you’re willing.

Don’t forget to let Kathleen know if you or your kids are interested in participating in this year’s Christmas Pageant in collaboration with Holy Redeemer. The schedule is included in the attached Sunday School schedule.  It’s a two-for-one schedule (such a deal!).

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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