HTLC News Email, October 14, 2022

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, October 16, is the 19th Sunday after Pentecost, and Children’s Sabbath, when we celebrate children and renew our promise to help them. Some of our youth will be helping with the service. Nothing out of the norm in this Sunday’s schedule, except Pastor Tim gets out of doing Children’s Time once again – it will be given by the Confirmation Class.

Thank you to all who attended or helped out with Oktoberfest last Saturday.  A gut time was had by all!  Also, thanks to all who attended or helped at the Live Animal Blessing.  Jeanine the chicken now has a new home with other hens, a rooster, a coop, and someone to care for her.  Thanks to Mary Paglieri who took her in.  Check out her non-profit organization:

The next Sunday, October 23, will be Confirmation Sunday.  Cassie Di Paola and Wesley Smith will be confirmed during the worship service. Be sure to be there to witness their faith and to support them (and no, this does not mean they’ve “graduated,” never to be seen again!). Congratulations!

October 30 is Reformation Sunday, celebrating the day Martin Luther posted his 95 no-no’s concerning the Catholic Church on the Wittenburg church door (nailed it!).  The tradition is to wear red on that Sunday.  (I’m sure there are already Christmas sales going on where you can get some!)

November 6 is All Saints Sunday, when we remember those who have especially touched our lives but are no longer with us.  Please sign up on the clipboard at the Media Table to have your saints listed in the bulletin.  If you would like a photo of your saint shown during the service, please email a picture to Carmen Blair or let her know to use a picture you previously gave her.

Trunk or Treat is returning this year on Monday, October 31 (Reformation Day!).  Sign up to bring your boo-tifully decorated vehicle, or just take over a parking spot and decorate that.  Bring enough treats to hand out from 6 pm to 8 pm.  The kids go from car to car (or space to space) as a free, fun, safe way for them trick-or-treat.  There will also be hot dogs and nachos for a free-will offering.  If you are decorating a car or space, please arrive early so that you can be ready in time (it always takes longer than you think).  The sign-up sheet is on the Media Table in the narthex.  The more the scarier!

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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