HTLC News, October 21, 2022

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, October 23, is the 20th Sunday after PentecostLutheran loose Change Sunday, and Confirmation Sunday.  No schedule surprises this week.  This year, the rite of confirmation and the confirmands’ faith statements will be at the end of the service, so that it won’t appear on the livestream.  So, if you want to witness Cassie and Wesley getting confirmed, you’ll just have to come in person!  For those of you watching the livestream, the service will end somewhat abruptly with the sending hymn.  We’ll keep recording during the confirmation rite, so that the families will have it available to watch (and we can use it as evidence to guilt Cassie and Wesley into doing church stuff later).

Next Sunday, October 30, is Reformation Sunday.  We will probably have visitors from Christ the King, since they have asked their parishioners to attend Holy Trinity or Holy Redeemer in lieu of a service at their church. So make them welcome, and behave yourselves!  And be sure to wear red in celebration of Reformation!  (It’s not a competition, but let’s see if we can outdo CTK in the red-wearing department! [okay, now it’s a competition])

Trunk or Treat is back!  It’s on Halloween (or All Saints Eve or Reformation Day if that makes you feel better) from 6 pm to 8 pm. Sign up at the Media Table to come early and bring your decorated car, or to decorate a parking spot if you don’t want to tape stuff to your car (your car’s precious finish is more important than children’s happiness, right?).  Bring plenty of treats to hand out.  Or just come, bring the kids, eat some nachos and hot dogs (free-will offering), and have a hauntingly good time!

November 6 is All Saints Sunday, when we remember those who have especially touched our lives but who are no longer with us.  Please sign up on the clipboard at the Media Table to have your saints listed in the bulletin and on screen.  If you would like a photo of your saint shown during the service, please email a picture to Carmen Blair or let her know to use a picture you previously gave her.

Did you read yesterday’s email about our drive to finish our audio-video upgrade?  Well, here it is again in case you missed it: (click here).  We have a donor who will match up to $20,000.00 of what people give toward the AV upgrade.  That effectively doubles your AV donation, so it behooves us to give what we can! (no, bees don’t have hooves, though we do tend to shoo them*).  Again, if you watch the livestream or recordings, please let us know of any sound or video problems – it may take a while to get adjusted to all this new equipment.  (If you can’t hear Pastor Tim, let us know anyway.)

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

(*I know hive gone too far.  If you find my puns too a-pollen, I don’t have any anthers.)

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