HTLC News Email, January 20, 2023

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, January 22, is the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany and Lutheran Loose Change Sunday.  Worship Service will be at 10 am and Sunday School/Confirmation at 11:15 am.  Pastor Barbara of Holy Redeemer has contracted COVID this past week, so Holy Redeemer is planning to worship with us again this Sunday.  We welcome them and hope for a quick recovery for Pastor Barbara.  COVID is not over, folks – get those boosters and wear those masks!

Since COVID began, we’ve had several new people who have begun attending our services.  These people, of course, are already a part of our Holy Trinity family, but we’d like to have them become full members of Holy Trinity with all the benefits that come with membership (being able to vote at Annual Meetings, having a say in the future of Holy Trinity, being able to be a Council Member, getting calls begging you to run for Council Member, etc.)  We would like to have a Welcome New Members Sunday coming up to acknowledge those who are joining and those who have recently joined.  If you’d like to become a member, please talk to Pastor Tim.  The more who join at the same time, the less individual attention is on you when you’re standing in front of the congregation!

Next Sunday, January 29, is RIC Sunday.  The last Sunday in January is when many Reconciling in Christ churches, like Holy Trinity, celebrate their official welcome to the LGBTQIA+ community.  RIC churches have gone through a process to show that their welcome is intentional to those who are not always assured they will be welcomed in a church.  Feel free to wear rainbows and bring colorful treats!

February 12 is Super Bowl Sunday, and Holy Trinity, along with many other organizations, is joining in the Souper Bowl of Caring.  This is a national annual effort to collect food and money for local food pantries.  We will be collecting non-perishable food items, and people will be at the doors holding soup pots to gather monetary donations.  After worship service, we will have a soup potluck in Holland Hall.  Please join us and help “tackle” hunger!

February 19, Transfiguration Sunday, Holy Trinity will temporarily shut its doors and head on over to worship with Holy Redeemer at their Newark campus.  This will be their last Sunday there for a while as they will be worshiping with us at least through Lent as they discern their future as a church.  Plan to stay for their Mardi Gras celebration because, you know, food!  (oh, and fellowship!)

Mark your calendars! HTLC’s Annual Congregational Meeting is scheduled for February 26 at 11 am.  This year, we will be attempting a hybrid meeting (in-person and Zoom) to be held in the sanctuary so we can use the cameras.  Not-too-messy food will be provided, so you can eat in the sanctuary without incurring the wrath of the cleaning crew.  Those attending via Zoom can be as messy as they want.

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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