HTLC/HRLC News Email, March11, 2023

Hi, Everybody!  Sorry this is a day late – I was a bit under the weather (stunning prose like this doesn’t write itself, you know!).

This Sunday, March 12, is the 3rd Sunday in Lent and Scrip Sunday.  It’s also the beginning of Daylight Savings Time, so be sure to set your clocks an hour ahead before you go to bed tonight, or you’ll end up only getting there in time for after-church coffee and treats (and that would just be too, too sad!).  It’s Praise Band this Sunday, so if those dour Lenten hymns have been getting you down, have no fear!  Pastor Barbara will be providing the Message this week.  The usual schedule applies: 10 am (DST) Worship and 11:15 am (DST) Sunday School/Confirmation.  There is a Church Council Meeting at noon (DST).  Contact Marta Wicke if you would like to attend by Zoom.

The HTLC 2023 Council liaison assignments have been determined, so now you’ll know who to pester about what.  We plan to install both the HTLC and HRLC Councils together during the service on March 19 (to save on installation fees!).  Here’s the 2023 HTLC Church Council list:

Executive Committee:
President – Ann Harren
Vice President – Roy Heaivilin
Financial Secretary – Erik Holland
Treasurer – Terri MacFarlane
Recording Secretary – Marta Wicke

Council Liaison Assignments:
Rene Bierbaum – Mutual Ministry and Transition Team
Mike Billmann – Buildings and Grounds
Ann Harren – Education
Roy Heaivilin – Facility Usage
Erik Holland – Stewardship
Randy Kuhlmann – Hospitality
Kellie Smith – Outreach/Communications
Bethany Stevenin – Social Concerns
Marta Wicke – Worship

Wednesday, March 15, at 6:30 pm (DST) we will have the third of our half-hour joint Midweek Lenten Services held here at Holy Trinity with Holy Redeemer and Christ the King.  This Wednesday’s short drama is called “The Kingdom of God is a Tiny Mustard Seed” and it is Holy Redeemer’s turn to lead and perform.  (no actual mustard will be provided)

You are invited to the Jesus and Justice Collective’s “Active Allyship” Event on March 19 at 2 pm.  They will provide effective techniques for minimizing the “Bystander Effect” and safely intervening to support people being harassed.  The event will take place at Cedars Church, 38325 Cedar Blvd, Newark, CA 94560.  Click here to register and learn more.

Holy Week is coming up quickly and it kicks off on April 2nd with Palm Sunday and the return of our Seder Meal!  The Seder Meal will be at 5 pm and there will be a sign-up sheet at the Media Table in the narthex if you’d like to attend.  It’s a celebration of Passover with traditional food, wine, and ceremony, but with a Christian slant.  This year, the suggested donation is $20 for adults due to the rising cost of, well, everything!  (I’m sure you’ve noticed it!)  Maundy Thursday there will be a joint service at Christ the King at 7 pm, and Good Friday we will have a 7 pm service here at Holy Trinity.  Easter is on its way, folks!

Don’t forget:  DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME!  (don’t say I didn’t warn you!)

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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