News Email for April 7, 2023

Today is Good Friday, the day we commemorate the crucifixion and death of Jesus.  We’ll be having a Tenebrae service at 7 pm here at Holy Trinity.  Tenebrae means “shadows” or “darkness.”  The service involves the extinguishing of seven candles with a scripture, poem, and Taizé song associated with each candle.  There will be no bulletin, since the sanctuary will be growing dark.  Instead, the liturgy and songs will be projected on the wall.  Please enter and leave in silence to preserve the solemnity of the service.  Here is the link for the YouTube livestream:

All you folks who have signed up for the Easter Garden please remember to bring your plants to the Activity Room before 10 am tomorrow, Saturday the 8th, so Carmen can do her magic.  Even if you haven’t signed up, you’re welcome to contribute plants.  The more plants the better!  We want a riot of color!  Please write your name on the provided craft sticks and stick them in the plants so you can identify your plants and take them home after the service (no fair switching names!).  Thanks for your participation!

This Sunday, April 9, is – wait, let me see…  I know something’s happening… oh yes, it’s EASTER SUNDAY!  (and Scrip Sunday!)  Celebrate with us the (spoiler alert!) Risen Christ at the Worship Service at 10 am.  I will send out the necessary links sometime tomorrow.  After the service, stick around for a delicious Easter Breakfast in Holland Hall.  At 11:30, get your kids to the Patio area for the start of the Easter Egg Hunt!  So much celebrating (and not just because there’s no Sunday School or Confirmation class).  Get ready for the joy!

There will be no Tuesday Bible Study this week.  Also, no Choir Rehearsal on Wednesday.  And I may take Monday off, since I plan to collapse after Easter service, and I may not rise again for three days!

Next Sunday, Pastor Barbara will be on vacation, and we will have a commissioning for Pastor Tim as he goes on sabbatical (for which he is way overdue).  Pastor Barbara will be fulfilling pastoral duties while Pastor Tim is gone, until she retires on July 16.  Pastor Tim will be back at the end of summer, and we will have supply pastors to fill the gap.  Lots of changes, but then again, lots of opportunities for reinvigoration of pastors and congregation (that rhymes!).

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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