HTLC/HRLC News Email, July 7, 2023

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, July 9, is the 6th Sunday after Pentecost and Scrip Sunday.  Worship is at 10 am as usual.  The HTLC Council will not be meeting this Sunday as scheduled due to travel and schedule conflicts.

Our organist Myrna Emata Diaz has resigned from her position here at Holy Trinity.  She and Daniel would like to convey their heartfelt thanks to the congregation and leadership of Holy Trinity and Holy Redeemer for their time serving together with us in worship ministry.  They are planning to move to Las Vegas where Myrna has connections and hopes to produce musicals she has written.  We thank them for their friendship and service here and pray for their success as they explore new opportunities!

The Wesleyan Tongan Church community will hold a Retirement Luau for Pastor Barbara!  Members & friends of both Holy Redeemer and Holy Trinity are invited.  The luau is on Saturday, July 15, from 12 noon to 5:00 p.m. in Redeemer Hall at Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church, 35660 Cedar Blvd, Newark, CA 94560.  Members of Holy Redeemer are asked to bring a side dish or dessert to share.  Members of Holy Trinity will be guests at this event and are not expected to bring anything (though I might bring some empty Tupperware – you know – just in case…).  There is no cost to attend but donations will be gladly accepted.

The next day, Sunday, July 16, is Pastor Barbara’s Retirement!  The 10 am worship service here at HTLC will be Holy-Redeemer-style with lots of special music, Pastor Barbara’s favorite hymns (yes, we let her choose them all), former HRLC accompanist Fredric Zimmerman, and Bishop Clare Burkat of the Sierra Pacific Synod will be on hand to preach during the service (so be on your best behavior!).  After the service, the celebration will continue with light snacks and refreshments.  Help is appreciated before, during and after the event, so if you’re available, please contact Christina Blevins from HRLC or any HRLC Council Member. Let’s all show Pastor Barbara how much we appreciate her!

“But what will we do without Pastor Barbara, Pastor Tim, and Myrna?” I hear you wail (that was you wailing, wasn’t it?).  Well, Pastor Barbara has kindly lined up accompanist Todd Anderson to play through the rest of July and August, and pastors to preach until Pastor Tim returns.  Here is a schedule of pastors:
July 23:  Pastor John Bost
July 30:  Pastor Jim Brun
Aug 6:  Pastor Jim Brun
Aug 13:  Pastor John Bost
Aug 20:  Pastor Tim Huff returns

I will also be gone for several weeks starting on July 17 (what, no wailing?), and I’m trying to get things done beforehand.  So, if you have announcements for the upcoming inserts, please get them to me by this coming Wednesday.  Also, office hours will be fairly nonexistent, so please call ahead to see if anyone is here to help, or to leave a message.  Pastor Barbara has agreed to be contacted in case of pastoral emergencies only (Retirement? What’s that?).  Also also, I will need folks to run cameras and streaming during services while I’m gone.  If you are interested, please email me to let me know when we can get together for me to show you the virtual ropes.

We always need Worship Helpers, too.  Contact Carmen Blair ( if you are interested in serving as an acolyte, communion assistant, liturgist, or reader.

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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