HTLC/HRLC News Email, September 1, 2023

Happy Labor Day weekend, Everybody!  The church office will be closed on Monday for the holiday (happy Labor Day to me!).

This Sunday, September 3, is the 14th Sunday after Pentecost and Name Tag Sunday.  You’ll notice I didn’t mention nachos.  That’s because nachos have been postponed until next week, which is…

Rally Day!  Yes, the kick-off for our fall Christian education schedule will be on Sunday, September 10.  We are continuing our schedule of a single worship service at 10 am, followed by Sunday School at 11:15 am. There will be a Blessing of the Backpacks and Briefcases during the service, so please bring them with you.  We will also be acknowledging our Christian Education Team during the service.  Sunday Adult Forum is still in the works.  Also next Sunday, there will be an HTLC Council Meeting at noon.  As always, members of both HTLC and HRLC are invited to attend (I usually politely, but firmly, decline the invitation).

September is when everything else gets going again.  Here’s what’s coming up:

The first Choir rehearsal of the season will be on Wednesday, September 13, at 7 pm.  All who love to sing are invited to come.  There are no auditions, and I very rarely bite, so don’t be shy!  Rehearsals usually last an hour or less and will happen each Wednesday except for the Wednesday before the 2nd Sunday of the month (clear as mud!).

Praise Band will be playing on the 2nd Sunday of the month. Praise Band rehearsals are at 7 pm on the Wednesday before they play (which is the 2nd Wednesday of the month unless the 2nd Sunday falls on the 8th through the 11th day of the month, in which case it’s on the 1st Wednesday of the month [unless the moon is in the 7th house and Jupiter aligns with Mars]).  They also welcome new players and singers, and Terri bites even less often than I do!

Bell Choir rehearsals will begin on Sunday, September 24, at 11:30 am in the sanctuary. While we have enough ringers for now, if you are interested in joining the bell choir in the future or learning how to play, please contact Dot Westerhoff.  I haven’t heard what Dot’s bite rate is.

Do you play a wind or string instrument?  We are attempting to revive the Instrumental Group and want to gauge the amount of interest.  If you play, or have played, an instrument and would like to play in an ensemble at church, please contact me at  Age and ability are not important, but you should have your own instrument and be able to read the music for it.  Don’t worry if you’re rusty.  I haven’t played my trumpet since the year 1 BC (Before COVID).

Carmen Blair is planning to have Worship Assistant Training on Sunday, September 24 at 9 am.  Anyone interested in helping out as an acolyte, communion assistant, lay liturgist, or reader, or being on Altar Guild (setting up communion elements) please come and see just what is involved (not a lot).  We need your help!

I am planning to update the Prayers of the Church list printed in the insert and email starting next Sunday.  Please resubmit any names you want to remain on the list before September 7, along with how long you would like them to remain on the list.  You can do this by filling out the prayer request cards provided in the pews and putting them in the Parish Life Coordinator’s box, or by emailing me at  Thanks for your cooperation!

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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