HTLC/HRLC News Email, November 4, 2023

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, November 5, is the 23rd Sunday after PentecostNacho Name Tag Sunday, and All Saints Sunday.  There will be a part of the service when you’ll have an opportunity to light a candle in memory of your loved ones.  Don’t forget to turn your clocks back one hour Saturday night (recommended smart phone wake-up alarm tone:  “Rise Up, O Saints of God”).  Don’t miss that extra hour of sleep, arrive at church an hour early, and get roped into making coffee.  As usual, Worship is at 10 am, Sunday School/Confirmation at 11:15 am, Bell Choir at 11:30 am, and Psalms Bible Study at 1 pm.

The Holiday Boutique is only one week away on Saturday, November 11, from 9 am to 3 pm at Holy Trinity.  It’s organized by Beau’s Bridge Club, an animal welfare organization dedicated to saving and improving the lives of pets most at risk in the shelter system.  Holy Trinity will have two tables to “sell” handmade items for the benefit of HTLC (officially, giving them in exchange for a “suggested donation!”), so if you’ve made some items, bring them by this coming week during office hours (M – F, 10 am – 2 pm) or the morning of, if absolutely necessary.  If you’d like to help out at our tables, set-up time starts at 7 am, and I’m sure we could use help selling items throughout the day.  Holy Trinity will also be “selling” the usual hot dogs, nachos, popcorn, etc.  There will be more vendors this year, and there are always interesting quality items for Christmas gifts (or for yourself – if you’ve been good!)

November is Adopt an Angel month.  Please help us ensure that children in foster care have a wonderful Christmas by participating.  Here’s what to do:

  1. Choose an Angel tag from the Giving Tree in the Narthex.
  2. Purchase the gift.
  3. Bring the gift UNWRAPPED and put it under the tree with the Angel tag attached.  Donations of wrapping paper are also appreciated.  No gift bags, please.
  4. Gifts need to be under the tree by Sunday, November 26th.

If you are unable to shop (or just don’t want to) you can donate cash or gift cards.  Preferred gift cards are Walmart, Target or Amazon.  If you have any questions, see Cheryl Kuhlmann or call her at 510-502-0890.

Next Sunday, November 12, there will be an HTLC Council Meeting at noon.  As always, you are welcome to attend (they try to use Robert’s Rules of Order – be sure to point out every infraction of the rules!).

Our annual Thanksgiving Potluck will be on November 19 at 11 am (or so) in Holland Hall after the worship service. Hospitality will be providing turkey, gravy, rolls, and beverages. If you would like to bring a side, salad, or dessert, please sign up at the Media Table.  (Non-traditional foods are also welcome – we are an inclusive church!)

Also on the 19th, we will be welcoming New Members.  Talk to Pastor Tim if you’d like to become a full or associate member.  It’s not a deadline – we’re just trying to get several members welcomed in one fell swoop.  You can become a member at any time (there’s no open enrollment period like Medi-Care).

Also also on the 19th, scripts will be handed out and roles assigned for the Christmas Pageant, so be sure your kids attend Sunday School that day (or they’ll be stuck being a palm tree).

Also also also on the 19th, there will be an HRLC Congregational Meeting.  Time and place TBD.

Become part of our Photo Directory by sending a picture of yourself or your family (high enough resolution so people don’t think you look like a Minecraft character) to Rene Bierbaum at  Include as much information as you’re comfortable sharing with our community, up to and including name(s), address, email, and phone number.  Electronic copies will be emailed to HT/HR/TW members.  Printed copies will also be available.  

If you would like to receive a Birthday or Anniversary Card from HTLC, please sign up on the clipboard in the narthex (this week for sure!) or email me at with your name, address, and month and day of your birthday or anniversary.  The year of your birth is only between you and God (and the entire internet, by now).

– Keith

your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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