HTLC/HRLC News Email, June 7, 2024

Hi, Everybody:

First, some sad news.  Beloved longtime HTLC member Gene Klimkosky passed away last Sunday.  Please keep his family and friends in your prayers.  The Celebration of Life is planned for Friday, June 14 at 11 am with a reception following.

This Sunday, June 9, is the 3rd Sunday after Pentecost and Scrip Sunday.  Worship is at 10 am, and there is an HTLC Council Meeting at 12 pm.  Sunday SchoolConfirmation and Tuesday Bible Study are all on summer hiatus and will be back in September (unlike many TV series that go on “summer hiatus”).

The Sunday School youth would like to thank the congregation for their generous donations during the Bake Sale last month.  They raised $389.00, enough money to support a community in need with a Fish Farm, a Goat, a Piglet, and a share of a Cow (I wonder which part of the cow they got) through the ELCA Good Gifts program.  Way to go, kids and congregation!

Next Sunday, June 16, we will be having a Father’s Day Barbecue following the worship service.  If you’re planning to come, please sign up at the Media Table near the main entrance so Hospitality can get a rough head count (if, like me, you have a smooth head, you should still sign up).

Please invite neighbors, friends, family, or even enemies (or is that redundant with family?) to come to Musical Theater Camp, June 24th through 28th.  On Friday, June 28, at 6:30 pm and Sunday, June 30 during 10 am worship, the kids will be performing the musical “Esther” (I smell a hit!*).  Check out the bulletin board near the exit to the patio for slips with items to donate to the camp, and scholarship slips if you wish to donate to allow more campers to come.  I’m sure there are also many opportunities to help out during the camp.  Contact Pastor Barbara or Kathleen Keating to volunteer, and pick up a flyer on the Ushers’ Table for yourself or someone else who might be interested. 

The Spaghetti Feed is coming up rapidamente on June 22.  Many volunteers will be needed to help out before, during and after the event – sign up in the narthex.  We also need raffle prizes like homemade crafts or, my favorite, themed gift baskets!  Pick a theme and go shopping.  Be creative and make it appealing so people will buy more raffle tickets for it (I think I’ve outdone myself this year).  All items can begin being dropped off after service on Sunday, June 16th and additional drop off times will be announced for that week.

The Allstars United Robotics program will be holding summer camp on weekdays in Holland Hall the weeks of June 17 and July 8, 15, 22, and 29.  During that time, the tables will be left set up in Holland Hall throughout the week except on weekends and where it conflicts with other groups.  If you intend to use Holland Hall for something not yet scheduled, please, as always, talk to Mike Billmann, your stalwart Facility Use Guru.

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

*(This was an attempt to make a pun using the words “Esther” and “ester” – a class of organic compounds, some of which are often used as scent in perfume and food items.  I hope it wasn’t too esther-teric.)

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