HTLC/HRLC News Email – June 21, 2024

Dispatch from Washington:

Hi, Everybody.  Sorry I haven’t been able to keep you informed the past couple of weeks, but I’ve been down with COVID (literally – I couldn’t get up!).  I’m feeling better now, but still testing positive, so I’ll stay, oh, about 800 miles away from you. 

The big news right now is that the Spaghetti Feed is TOMORROW!  (Saturday, June 22) I hope you’ve invited everyone you know, gotten together your raffle baskets, baked up your hand-held desserts, signed up to help out, but most of all, plan to attend and have a raucous good time with great people, food, and fun!  It is a fundraiser, so we are asking for $25 for adults, $10 for kids 3 to 10 (no tickets needed – just pay at the door).  Beer and wine are, of course, extra.  10% of the proceeds will be going to Pancreatic Cancer Research, so drink up! (We’ll worry about our livers some other time).  The doors open at 4 pm for snacks and fun, dinner will be served from 4:45 to 7:30 pm.  (Wish I could be there.  I’m so envious it makes me sick – oh, wait.  That’s COVID.)

The other big news, of course, is that our HTLC Musical Theater Camp starts MONDAY!  (Yes, Pastor Barbara and Kathleen, you may now panic)  The Camp runs Monday through Friday, June 24 to 28, 10 am to 3 pm.  The performances of the musical “Esther” are on Friday, June 28 at 6:30 pm, and Sunday, June 30 at 10 am during the worship service.  Check out our Facebook page, flyer, and website for more information and for how to register.  or talk to Pastor Barbara or Kathleen Keating if you’d like to become involved.  Invite neighbors, friends, and family to come.  (You know how adorable those kids are going to be!)  Also, there are slips on the bulletin board close to the exit to the breezeway with items to donate to the camp, and scholarship slips if you wish to donate to allow more campers to come.  Thank you to all who have already donated!

Congratulations to this year’s Graduates, whose names will appear in the prestigious bulletin insert this Sunday:

Anthony Di Paola
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA
Bachelor of Science – Liberal Studies
Minors in Music and History

Samuel Robert Koski
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA

Kiersten Narveson
John F. Kennedy High School, Fremont, CA
High School Diploma
With honors

Wesley Smith
John F. Kennedy High School, Fremont, CA
High School Diploma
Will be attending UC Santa Cruz

This Sunday’s schedule is easy:  Worship is at 10 am.  That is all.

Oh, and did I mention I have COVID? (I was afraid I hadn’t whined enough)

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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