HTLC News Email, February 14 2025

Hi, Everybody.  Happy Valentine’s Day!  According to, St. Valentine is the Patron Saint of love, lovers, affianced couples, engaged couples, happy marriages, bee keepers (give your Honey some honey!), travelers (go on  cruise!), and  greetings (give them a card! [I thought that was St. Hallmark]).  St. Valentine is also the Patron Saint of epilepsy, fainting,  plague, and young people (another form of plague).

This Sunday, February 16, is the 6th Sunday after Epiphany and New Member Sunday.  We will be welcoming some 25 new members! Although, “new” is a relative term this time around.  Most are transferring membership to from Holy Redeemer to Holy Trinity, but have been attending here for a couple of years now.  Some are changing their membership status from associate member to full voting member (I wonder if it was disclosed that this puts them in danger of becoming Council Members!).  Some are kids, some are definitely not kids, and some have been coming a long time and are just now making it official.  Be sure to welcome them all!  Also this Sunday is the second installment of the Adult Forum “Test of Faith” presentation by Dean Sieglaff at 10:45am in the Activity Room.  Confirmation Class will be attending Adult Forum for their class (and will behave accordingly, I trust).  The next installment will be on March 2.

Thank you to all who helped last Sunday for the Souper Bowl of Caring by bringing non-perishable food, donating money, providing soup, setting up, and cleaning up (I helped by eating).  Special thanks to the Youth for bringing and selling baked goods, and to the Hospitality crew for doing their usual stellar job!

Annual Meeting is next Sunday!  Holy Trinity’s Annual Congregational Meeting will take place on February 23, 2024, following the 9:30 am worship service.  Here is the slate of candidates being brought by the nominating committee for election to council: Carmen Blair, Claudette Haskins, Linda Headrick, Gina Herman, Bryan MacFarlane, Kevin Mesa, Pamela Metcalf, and Jay Schaefer.  Additional nominations may be made from the floor during the meeting itself, so be careful of making eye contact.  The proposed budget is available in the narthex or by emailing Terri at

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator

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