Keith Hillesland

HTLC News Email, February 07, 2020

Hi, Everybody: The most important thing you need to remember about This Sunday, February 9, is that there is a single 10 am worship service followed by the Annual Congregational Meeting.  Not that Scrip Sunday, the 5th Sunday after Epiphany, and Pastor Tim being back aren’t important (PT doesn’t even rate bold letters!), but they won’t screw up your schedule …

HTLC News Email, February 07, 2020 Read More »

HTLC News Email, January 17, 2020

Hi, Everybody: This Sunday, January 19, is the Second Sunday after Epiphany and Fill the Food Barrel Sunday.  There is a Worship Committee Meeting following the second service, and the Nominating Committee Meeting is this week between services.  I know that in last Friday’s email I said the Nominating Committee Meeting was last Sunday, but I was mistaken.  My apologies to the horde of …

HTLC News Email, January 17, 2020 Read More »

HTLC News Email, January 10, 2020

Hi, Everybody: This Sunday, January 12, is the First Sunday after Epiphany and Fill the Food Barrel Sunday.  There is a Nominating Committee Meeting between services (don’t make eye contact if you don’t want to be on Council) and all are welcome to attend the Council Meeting at 12:15 pm after the second service.  The agenda will include the budget and preparation for …

HTLC News Email, January 10, 2020 Read More »