COVID-19 Shelter-in-Place Order

Hi, everybody:In case you hadn’t heard, six bay area counties, including Alameda, have ordered a shelter-in-place starting at midnight tonight and continuing for three weeks.  This means people must stay in their homes and only go out for essentials like food, prescriptions, health care, and other necessities, and to keep a “social distance” of 6 feet from others.  Here is a link to the Alameda County Public Health Department’s summation of the order: and a link to the actual order if you want to see all the  official details as to what is considered essential:

While we know that spiritual needs are also essential, complying with this legal order means a suspension of all gatherings at Holy Trinity including Bible Study and Worship Services, so Tuesday Bible Study will not be meeting tomorrow.  The Church Council has an emergency meeting scheduled this Thursday, as communicated earlier by our president, Collin, and they will be determining ways in which we can stay connected and spiritually fed as a church during this time.

The church office will be closed for now, and Pastor Tim and I will be working from home starting tomorrow.  If you need to get a hold of us, please email or call us.  Please continue to support each other and your neighbors (although from six feet away!) and continue to watch your email and our website for updates on how all this will affect how we work together to care, share, and serve God.

Let’s disinfect, not disconnect!


Your friendly stay-at-home PLC

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