Pastor Tim

Devotions from Tri-City ELCA Churches – Pastor Tim Huff of Holy Trinity, Dec. 8, 2021

Devotion for December 8, 2021, from Pastor Tim Huff:

Christmas Gifts

You must give according to what you have inwardly decided—not sadly, not reluctantly, for God loves a giver who gives cheerfully      2 Cor. 9:7

What a frantic time Christmas can be! So many people to buy gifts for! How many are on your list? Why do we buy, give, and receive gifts?

Sometimes, we have to say, we do it for reasons we might find hard to admit. We give one gift out of obligation, another to keep up with friends, another because we were guilted into it.

How many gifts do we give out of love?

During the holiday season, we are called to focus on the greatest gift of all – Jesus. God loved the world so much that God sent Jesus as a present that first Christmas Day.

God sent Jesus as a gift for us to believe in. And as believers we receive yet another gift-the gift of eternal life and love in the presence of God.

Now that’s a gift!

Because God has loved us and lavished so great a gift on us, we return our thanks by showing that love and gift-giving generosity by giving our love to one another.

We give because God first gave to us.

May we share the gift of love throughout the year!

Pastor Tim

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