HTLC/HRLC News Email, March 29, 2024

Hope you’re having a good Good Friday, Everybody:

Tonight at 7 pm we will be having a joint Tri-City ELCA Good Friday Worship Service.  It’s a solemn service commemorating the crucifixion and death of Jesus, so please enter and leave in silence.  It will feature Carmen Blair as Mary, sharing her thoughts at each station of the cross.  For each station there also will be a reading and Taizé music.  It is a very effective and affecting service.  Feeling the sadness of Good Friday will make the celebration of Easter feel that much more joyous.  Here are the links:

YouTube Livestream:

Worship Bulletin:

This Sunday, March 31, is Easter Sunday, celebrating Jesus’ resurrection!  The Worship Service is at 10 am as usual, followed by an Easter Breakfast at about 11 am to which everyone is invited, and which is put on by our Youth in conjunction with Hospitality.  At 11:30 am there will be an Easter Egg Hunt for the youngsters (the young-at-heart get to watch and take pictures!).  Links to the service and bulletins will be in a later email.

This Sunday also will be Richard’s and my last Sunday at Holy Trinity (at least for a while).  We’ve been planning to move to Washington State for several years but haven’t for one reason or another.  One reason is procrastination (but I’ll tell you about that some other time), and another is that it’s so hard for us to leave our friends at Holy Trinity.  I’ve been coming to HTLC literally all my life and have only lived in the Fremont area, so it is an especially difficult decision for me.  Even now, we are both hemming and hawing.  As of this morning we were only at the “let’s try it and see” stage.  

What does this mean for you?  Well, you’ll still have to put up with my sense of humor for now, as I will be doing most of my PLC duties remotely until someone else is found.  Mutual Ministry will be looking for someone to fill my shoes (8 EEE), but it means that office hours will be sporadic for now, depending on who is actually physically here.  Call first before you make that trip over here.

Richard and I were also the custodial crew, but that’s awfully hard to do remotely.  Mutual Ministry is looking into solutions for that as well.  For now, I would suggest that if you see something that needs cleaning or a garbage that needs emptying, please go ahead and do it.

I was also Choir Director (32 years?), and the intrepid and talented Dot Westerhoff has agreed to fill in for now.  I’m grateful that we have someone of her caliber on hand to keep it going!

Mutual Ministry has a lot of work to do, so please give them your support and let them know of anyone (you?) who would be suited to these positions.  

For a time, Richard and I will have one foot in California and one in Washington, so we’ll be back – if only to move up all the crap we have stored down here (can I say “crap” in a church newsletter?).  So, it’s not really “goodbye,” just “so long” (farewell, auf wiedersehen…).

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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