HTLC/HRLC News Email, October 14, 2023

Hi, Everybody:

Tonight is Oktoberfest! There’ll be great food, drink (beer and wine are extra, but free iced tea and lemonade!), music, a bouncy haus, fun activities and karaoke!  (karaoke is a separate catagory from music)  It’s from 4 pm to 8 pm, with suggested donations of $20 for adults, $12 for kids under 12, and $50 for a family of 4.  Don’t miss it.  Invite your friends!

This Sunday, besides the usual worship schedule, there will be an Informal Congregational Meeting at 9 am.  Here’s a brief rundown of what it’s about:

  • Share the background and available details for investigating the possibility of a land sale to the city of Fremont.
  • Share survey results showing significant interest from the HTLC community, and begin a conversation on this topic. 

Reminder: Nothing is being decided at this meeting.  Supporting the exploration of this possibility does not obligate any possible future votes.  A final decision to sell land will only happen with a congregational vote (much further into the process). You are welcome to support these discussions continuing but ultimately decide “No” if you are not satisfied with terms. 

Speaking of congregational meetings, Holy Redeemer members are asked to save the date of Nov 19, 2023 when they will have their HRLC Fall Congregational Meeting. They will approve a budget and elect Synod delegates.  Stay tuned for more details.

Next Sunday, October 22, is Children’s Sabbath, when we celebrate children and renew our promise to help them.  Some of our youth will be helping with the service.

Speaking of children, rehearsals for the Christmas Pageant are coming up soon.  Here is the intended schedule for pageant 2023:
11/19 — hand out scripts, assign roles
12/3 — Sunday school time, read through with music
12/9 — 10-12, staging
12/10 — Sunday school time read through (Keatings at bell choir)
12/16 — 10-12, review staging, costuming, full dress run
12/17 — performance (during or post service, based on preference of service planners)
Parental help will be required for chaperoning, providing snacks, arranging costumes, etc.  If interested, contact Kathleen Keating (

Speaking again of children, Trunk or Treat is on October 31 from 6 pm to 8 pm.  Sign up if you’re planning to decorate a car or parking space and come early so you can be ready by 6 pm.  Be sure to bring lots of candy and treats for the kiddies and be prepared to eat hot dogs and nachos (freewill donation).  Flyers are available at the Media Table.

October 29, the last Sunday in October, is when we observe Reformation Sunday.  Please help us celebrate Martin Luther’s call for church reform in 1517 by wearing red on that day!

November 5 is All Saints Sunday, when we remember those who have especially touched our lives but are no longer with us. Please sign up on the clipboard at the Media Table by October 29 to have your saints listed in the bulletin. If you would like a photo of your saint shown during the service, please email a picture to Carmen Blair at or let her know to use a picture you previously provided.

Office Hours will be pretty much nil this week.  Call first before coming over.

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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