HTLC News Email, April 10, 2020

Good Good Friday, Everybody:

Hopefully you all got my email with the link to our Good Friday video service, but just in case, here it is again: put your mind at ease, please note that we were way more that 6 feet away from each other when recording it.  The reading parts were done from our own homes via Zoom, Leilani and Dean recorded the music by themselves at the church, and the choir anthem was recorded on Good Friday last year (social distancing in time as well as space!).  Carmen did a wonderful job finding images to go with it and editing it all together.  Please check it out!

This Sunday is, of course, Easter!  To reiterate (if I ever iterated it in the first place) the Drive-Thru Easter Breakfast has been cancelled due to the extended shelter-in-place order.  We will have an extra Easter celebration when we can all meet at church again, including a breakfast and an egg hunt (my idea of a drive-thru egg hunt was squelched like an Easter egg under a parishioner’s car tires).  We will once again have an online worship experience for this Sunday.  It won’t be the same as seeing each other, but just think how much more we’ll appreciate the ability to get together once all this is over!

Here’s a message from Marta, our intrepid Sunday School Superintendent:  We will be having a Sunday School Zoom call at 10 am Easter Sunday, for those that want to join.  We are also suggesting that you print and color the attached egg design and post in your window this weekend to show that you are celebrating the joy of Easter.  Hope to “see” you soon – Marta Wicke

And here’s a message from our valiant Treasurer, Terri:May the many blessings of Easter be with each of you and this congregation as we wind our way through and beyond COVID-19.  Any financial gift is a gift of hope-of promise of what’s to come.  There are many ways to support our community of faith: cash/checks, and online giving through Vanco’s Give + program.  Now there is one more easy way to give to HTLC, and that’s through Give + Text.  Give + Text is a quick and easy way to give through Android or iPhone directly to HTLC.  Simply Text 844-977-1024 (no dashes), enter dollar amount and send!!  Follow the prompts, add your payment info…push a button….Boom! You just gave!!  You’ll receive a confirmation text immediately and an e-mail confirmation (if you provide email).  So to sum up, here are the ways you can submit your Easter Offering:  

  • Cash or Check: Drop in church mailbox  or mail to church (or drop/mail to Treasurer Terri MacFarlane 39639 Iolani Court Fremont 94538)
  • Use Give + Mobile App 
  • Text your offering to 8449771024 

Thank you all for your continued support!

And here’s a message from me:  I miss you all and hope you are taking care of yourselves so I can see you again as soon as possible!

– Keith

Your friendly PLC

( Pallid Listless Coronavirus-avoider)

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