Hi, Everybody:
First, some sad news: Doris Sampson passed away peacefully this morning at 2 am at the age of 102. Please keep her friends and family in your prayers. There are no plans yet for a memorial service.
This Sunday, April 19, is the Second Sunday of Easter, also known as “Doubting Thomas Sunday” since that reading comes up this Sunday each year. Normally, it’s also “Where did everybody go after Easter Sunday?” Sunday, but since everybody will be able to access our worship service video online from anywhere at any time, we know you’ll all be present, right? (we’ll know if you don’t by the number of views our video gets – God and YouTube are watching!)
Terri would like to convey a huge Thank You to the congregation for their continued financial support this month. We are truly blessed by the generosity of everyone! Go Team! (that last remark was from me – for those of you who miss sports)
Not much else to report at the moment. So many things have been put on hold. Still, I find comfort in the knowledge that the car companies care deeply about me (their commercials say so!). Although, I think my eyesight has been adversely affected from rolling my eyes every time a commercial begins with “During these uncertain/difficult times…”
Stay safe and sane!
Your Friendly PLC (Plague Life Commentator)