HTLC News Email, August 16, 2024

Hi, Everybody:
This Sunday, August 18, is the 13th Sunday after Pentecost.  Worship Service will be at 10 am as usual, followed by a Hospitality Meeting at 11:30 am to discuss food plans for Rally Day and other upcoming events.  Speaking of food (and I always seem to be), it’s also

 Fill the Food Barrel Sunday, when we encourage you to bring non-perishable food to go to the Tri-City Volunteers Food Bank.  Speaking of which…

Tri-City Volunteers would like to extend a huge thank you to Holy Trinity for your invaluable partnership!  Thanks to your generosity, you have collected over 600 pounds of food so far this year!  Your efforts help us continue to make a difference in the lives of our neighbors in need.

     As we face the ongoing challenges of rising living costs, the need for support remains critical.  We are truly grateful for your continued support in this essential work.  Together, we can make a significant impact in our community!

600 lbs of food!  That’s more than 3 Keiths!  (except that I’m definitely perishable)

Pastor Tim will be unavailable for a couple of weeks starting Monday, August 19.  Pastor Barbara will be presiding at Sunday services on August 25 and September 1, and we will be having some familiar faces as homilists.  If you are in need of pastoral care during this time, please contact Pastor Barbara at (209) 985-1340.  (and she thought she had retired.  Hahahaha – no.)

– Keith

your peripatetic Parish Life Coordinator

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