HTLC News Email, August 2, 2024

Hi, Everybody:
This Sunday, August 4, is the 11th Sunday after Pentecost and Nacho Name Tag Sunday.  It’s also Camp Sunday when we will be singing some favorite camp songs submitted as favorite hymns picks.  There will be a chance to tell your camping memories around the “campfire” of the Paschal Candle.  (wear your pith helmets and scouting outfits – depending on just how campy you want to be!)  You are invited to donate to our local Lutheran Lutheran summer camp and retreat facility, Mt. Cross (please clearly label your contribution with “Mt. Cross Ministries”).

Late in 2023, the first version of our church e-directory was published.  Not everyone had a chance to submit a picture, so we’re hoping to prepare an updated version to include more of our community in this second version (Holy Trinity, Holy Redeemer, and the Tongan Wesleyan Church).  Electronic copies of the updated directory will be emailed to HT/HR/TWC members.  Printed copies will also be available upon request.

     If you missed getting into the first edition, we would love to get your photo for this update!  Please send a picture of yourself or your family at home, on vacation, or out in the world by August 31 to Rene Bierbaum at

· Take or choose a photo with good resolution that could be expanded to 2-3″ (prefer an electronic photo, but a hard-copy could be scanned)

· Include as much information as you’re comfortable sharing with the HT/HR/TW community, up to and including name(s), address, email, and phone

We are also happy to receive any edits or corrections from those of you that were in the first edition. THANK YOU!

There will be an HTLC Council Meeting next Sunday on Aug 11 at 11:30 am.  All are invited to attend (though few actually take that challenge).

Rally Day is coming up quickly on September 8.  Hurry up and cram in all the summer you can!

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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