HTLC News Email, August 21, 2020

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, August 23, is the 12th Sunday after Pentecost and Luther Loose Change Sunday (that stuff’s getting pretty scarce, I hear).  We’re still having online worship service videos due to COVID-19 with no end yet in sight.  A few more months and we’ll have enough episodes to go into syndication!  This week, as part of the rotating sermon-of-the-month club we have set up with other Tri-City ELCA pastors, we get to (virtually) meet Pastor Tia Pelz of Christ the King Lutheran Church here in Fremont.  Pastor Tia was called to Christ the King just as the pandemic was starting in the U.S., so even her own congregation has hardly met her in person!  However, we have gotten to know her a little as part of the rotating weekly devotions.  I, for one, am excited to tune in and hear her speak.  Don’t miss it!  Zoom Communion and Coffee Chat are planned as usual at 9:45 am and 10 am, respectively.  Zoom details will be announced in Sunday’s email.

Of course, the big news here at HTLC is the Virtual Spaghetti Feed and Silent Auction coming up next Saturday, August 29.  For a list of all the ins and outs of the event, you can review the information on our website by clicking here:  But for now, here’s an update from Erik Holland:
We are now just over a week away from the Spaghetti Feed and exciting news about it continues to develop.  The electronic ticket options ( are now active with Spaghetti Feed options for purchase.  As a reminder, you are asked to send a short note to of payment amount and description of order so we can confirm all information. Would you like to support the event but can’t virtually attend?  Buy a ticket anyways!  The $15 purchase will get you entered in the raffle for AirBuds, with a portion of the donation going to HTLC and a portion to a worthy charitable food recipient!  Beside the wine bottle purchase option, we now will also have Stella Artois growlers available for $20.  You do need to bring your own CLEAN growler [ed. note:  click here to find out what a growler is] which you can drop off ahead of time (please label) so it is ready when you do your food pickup.  Auction, AUCTION, AUCTION goes live on the HTLC website on Sunday, Aug 23rd!  It will once again have an assortment of all the HTLC auction items you need!   Please be on the lookout for multiple messages and announcements next week with info on virtual content of the evening, reminders about payment and auction instruction, and more.  This is HTLC’s first virtual Spaghetti Feed, so Participation and Patience are very important!

Well, I think that’s all I have for now.  Just remember that bit of internet advice: “Wash your hands and say your prayers, ’cause Jesus and germs are everywhere!”

– Keith, your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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