HTLC News Email, August 23, 2024

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, August 25, is the 14th Sunday after Pentecost and Lutheran Loose Change Sunday (check those couch cushions – every cent helps!).  Rick Koski will be delivering the Message and Pastor Barbara will be presiding this Sunday while Pastor Tim is away.  We will be saying “Farewell and Godspeed” to Rick and Collette Koski.  They will be sorely missed as they move up to Washington state, but we hope they will visit often.  (Moving to Washington seems to be a trend in our congregation – maybe we should start a Holy Trinity North Campus!) 

Pastor Tim is on vacation until September 3, so if you are in need of pastoral care during this time, please contact Pastor Barbara Caine (by “pastoral care” I’m referring to the care a pastor can give you, not the care you give your pasture).  Thank you, Pastor Barbara!

Choir Rehearsal begins this Wednesday, August 28, at 7 pm.  All are invited to join – no experience required, just a love of singing.  It’s a fun group of people and a great time to join at the beginning of the season!  Talk to Dot Westerhoff, our intrepid choir director,  if you’re interested.  Or just show up at rehearsal – I’m sure Dot won’t mind (she may slam the piano lid on your fingers; she can tell by your scream which part you should sing [I’m joking, of course.  Dot is the best!]).

Don’t forget, August 31 (in one week!) is the deadline to send any photos and contact information you want included in our updated edition of the Electronic Church Directory to Rene Bierbaum.  Any photo of decent resolution of you or your family will do:  formal, casual, funny, active, travel – it’s all good (no indecent resolution, please!  It’s a family-friendly directory!).  Any contact information you feel comfortable sharing will be appreciated – with or without photos.

Next Sunday, September 1, is the 15th Sunday after Pentecost.  Pastor Barbara will again be presiding, and Karen Narveson will be doing Children’s Time and the Message.  It’s also Labor Day Weekend, and Hospitality is celebrating by NOT laboring over nachos.  Instead, they will be moved to the following week to augment the celebration of…

Rally Day!  Yes, September 8 will be the day we celebrate the return of our fall schedule of Christian education and musical groups.  Hospitality is providing after-worship food and nachos (which are also food).  Pastor Tim will be back, and the Worship Service will have a Blessing of Backpacks and Briefcases, the Presentation of Bibles, and the Installation of Christian Educators.  Bell Choir will have their first rehearsal of the season at 11:30 am.  Talk to Dot if you’re interested in joining (and if your hand has recovered from that choir incident).

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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