HTLC News Email, August 26, 2022

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, August 28, is the 12th Sunday after Pentecost and Lutheran Loose Change Sunday (every bit helps!).  Worship will be at 10 am for in-person and livestream, as usual.  It’s as normal a Sunday as they come!

Plans are in the works for a joint God’s Work, Our Hands event with Holy Redeemer on Saturday, September 10, from 10 am to 12 pm.  Sunday School kids from both churches will gather at Central Park (Lake Elizabeth) for a clean-up project and to meet each other.  Adults are welcome to participate as well!  Meet at Sabercat Play Area (near the waterslides).

Rally Day, the kick-off for our fall Christian education schedule, is coming soon on Sunday, September 11.  Before COVID, this was also when we would return to our two-service schedule, but we are still having a single worship service at 10 am for the foreseeable future.  This year, Sunday School will be at 11:15 am after the service at Holy Trinity for most Sundays.  The first Sunday of the month will be held jointly with Holy Redeemer at alternating churches, beginning with HTLC on October 2.  Ann will be emailing a detailed schedule to interested families.  Also, watch for the return of Adult Forum and Weekday Bible Study starting sometime in the next month (or two?).

Choir is returning to its pre-COVID schedule. Rehearsals will be on Wednesdays at 7 pm starting on September 7.  Please wear masks.  If you love to sing, please come and join us!  No auditions, and no music-reading ability necessary (what better way to learn?). Time commitment is minimal: about 45 minutes to an hour on Wednesday nights, and a half hour before service on Sunday mornings for a quick brush-up.  Due to the increased risk that wind instruments pose for spreading COVID and the close quarters at the back of the church, Instrumental Group is not starting up just yet. Stay tuned! (so to speak…)

It’s not too early to be thinking about Christmas, right?  RIGHT??  Contact Kathleen at if you or your children are interested in participating in the Christmas Pageant, and contact me (Keith) at the office if you plan to craft something for us to sell at the Holiday Boutique on November 11.  Put on some Christmas music to get in the mood!

Erika Lullo is resigning as our Nursery Attendant. We thank her for her 10 years (probably seemed longer) of dedicated service and wish her all the best!  Thank you, Erika!

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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