HTLC News Email, August 30, 2024

Hi, Everybody.  Happy Labor Day weekend!  To those who are traveling this weekend, have a safe trip and remember – you can watch us on our YouTube channel, so no excuses for missing church!

This Sunday, September 1 (already!), is the 15th Sunday after Pentecost and Name Tag Sunday.  Sorry, no nachos.  They’ve been postponed until next week for Rally Day.  Pastor Tim is still on vacation until September 3, so Pastor Barbara will once again be presiding and Karen Narveson will be delivering the Message and Children’s Time.  A special treat will be the Tongan Wesleyan Church Choir providing an anthem!  The Holy Trinity Fantasy Football League will be meeting in the Activity Room after Church.
As mentioned, next Sunday, September 8, will be Rally Day – the day we celebrate the return of our fall schedule of Christian education and musical groups.   Pastor Tim will be back, and the worship service will have the Installation of Christian Educators and the Presentation of Bibles.  Also, remember to bring your backpacks and briefcases for a blessing to start your school or business year off right (get perfect test results and short meetings! [your results may vary]).  Stay after worship for a Rally Day Feast.  Hospitality is providing the aforementioned nachos and other delectable dishes.  Sunday School will meet briefly (due to food being available).  Bell Choir will have their first rehearsal of the season at 11:30 am.  Talk to Dot if you’re interested in joining.  (fun fact: they wear gloves so they don’t get nacho sauce on the bells)  Council Meeting will be postponed until the following Sunday (also due to  food being available).

After many years of faithful service, Donna Lee is stepping down as a contact person for our Prayer Chain.  Moving forward, please send all prayer requests to where Briana Holland will continue to receive them.  If you are interested in getting updates and have not received prayer updates from this email address, please send Briana the email you would like included on the distribution list.  If anyone would like to partner on the Prayer Chain now that Donna has stepped down, please let Briana know.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator

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