HTLC News Email, Dec. 31, 2021

Happy New Year (in a few hours), Everybody!

This Sunday, January 2, 2022, is the 2nd Sunday of Christmas (yes, it’s still Christmas – you could send your true love seven swans a-swimming today, but the box would get awfully soggy).  It’s also Nacho Name Tag Sunday, so start your New Year’s diet on Monday.  We’re having our newest-normal indoor 10 am Worship Service (with masks and distancing), and we will be having the Zoom Coffee Chat and Zoom Communion as usual, but no Zoom Sunday School.  We’ll be recording the service and posting the video online later that day.

Speaking of which, I posted and sent out the link to last Sunday’s Service of Poems and Carols a couple of hours after the service.  Unfortunately, I only sent it to myself, as I forgot to put the email blast list into the BCC field.  Sorry about that.  I also heard there were problems for some people with the link to the 4 pm Christmas Eve service.  Here are the links to the Christmas weekend services, and my apologies for technical and human errors (I blame COVID, of course):

There’s not much else to report.  If you have an announcement for the end of Sunday services, please let Pastor Tim know the details beforehand by emailing him or writing him a note before the service, and he’ll do the announcing.  That way, we avoid several microphone and COVID issues.  Some upcoming things to watch for:  RIC Sunday, Souper Bowl of Caring, and the beloved Annual Meeting (think about those reports, councilmembers!).

Hope your 2022 is waaaay better than your 2021.  As one of my favorite seasonal songs says, “What a Year for a New Year!”  (of course, I felt that in 2020 as well… here’s hoping 2022 has a new theme song!)

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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