HTLC News Email, December 30, 2022

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, January 1, 2023, is, of course, New Year’s Day and also the 1st Sunday after Christmas.  Yes, the twelve days of the Christmas season start on Christmas Day and last until January 6, the start of the season of Epiphany.  So, it’ll be the eighth day of Christmas this Sunday – with eight maids-a-milking to make that nacho cheese for Nacho Name Tag Sunday (I’ve never looked at the label – does it actually contain milk products?).  It’s also the first Sunday of the month, so there will be Zoom Coffee Chat at 9:15 am – Zoom Details and links will be in the Saturday/Sunday email. There’s no Sunday School until January 22.  There will also be no Bible Study this coming Tuesday.  Tuesday Bible Study will resume on January 10 at 10 am.  Choir Rehearsals resume this Wednesday at 7 pm (join us!).

Thank you to all who made our Christmas services so wonderful:  worship helpers, musicians, poinsettia donors, and a special thank you to Meg Ehmann for decorating the altar, and Carmen Blair for arranging the poinsettias.  It was all so beautiful!  Those of you who have not taken home your poinsettias yet, please pick them up this Sunday or they will suffer under my neglect for another week.  Special thanks also to the Hospitality crew and those who brought treats for the fantastic Christmas Brunch!

Joann Anderson would like to thank those who have been sending cards and flowers on the death of her brother Art Gomez.  She really appreciates all the love and support.

Looking for a good New Year’s resolution that doesn’t involve dieting?  How about “This year, I resolve to become more involved in church”?  There are many ways to help, suited to many talents.  Worship helpers are especially needed such as readers, lay liturgists, communion assistants, ushers, greeters, acolytes, altar guild, or audio/video people. Contact Carmen Blair for signing up and for instructions for most of those.  For ushering, talk to Michael Di Paola and for audio/video talk to me (Keith Hillesland) or Arnold Kuhlmann.  Helping with the worship services is an easy way to get to know people, and the more people we have who participate, the better.  Let’s not see just the same familiar faces up there this year! (lovely as they are!)  Next week, I’ll talk about more ways you can become involved (I’ll bet you can’t wait).  Together, we are the church!

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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