Hi, Everybody:
This Sunday, February 23, is the 7th Sunday after Epiphany, Lutheran Loose Change Sunday, and the Annual Meeting. That’s right, it’s finally here! The meeting will be held after the Worship Service, probably at about 10:45 am, in Holland Hall. Voting members (including the 25 we welcomed last Sunday!), please be sure to sign in so we are certain we have a quorum, grab some comestibles courtesy of the Hospitality cadre, and find a seat. You’ll hear reports about what went on at HTLC in 2024, ponder plans for the future, and vote on Church Council members, the budget, the Nominating Committee, and other stuff. Be one of those brave people who seconds motions (or even makes motions!). Due to the Annual Meeting, there will be no Sunday School, Confirmation Class, Adult Forum, or Bell Choir Rehearsal.
Next Sunday, March 2, is Transfiguration Sunday, the end of the season of Epiphany. Adult Forum will be meeting again, as will Sunday School, Confirmation Class (at Adult Forum), and Bell Choir.
Ash Wednesday is on March 5. We will be having a solemn service at 7 pm, which will include the imposition of ashes to remind us of how dusty we are. This is the official beginning of the 40 days (not including Sundays) of Lent, so be sure to indulge in everything you’re giving up before then!
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator