HTLC News Email, February 28, 2020

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, March 1st (yes, it’s March already), is the First Sunday in Lent (yes, it’s Lent already).  Time to turn that broken New Year’s resolution into a Lenten resolution (I’m sure avoiding carbohydrates for forty days will bring you closer to God).  Remember, Jesus fasted in the wilderness for forty days and even refused to turn stones into bread because, well, you know, carbs are evil!  Fortunately, as I mentioned last week, Sundays don’t count – so you can indulge in nachos, since it’s Nacho Name Tag Sunday.  (Of course, doughnut holes never count because holes don’t have carbs!)

Our Midweek Lenten Services start this Wednesday at 6:30 pm and continue each Wednesday in Lent up to Holy Week.  These are half-hour services with calming music and short dramas to meditate on. (yes, I know it should be “on which to meditate” – I’m trying to sound chatty here! [blasted prescriptive grammarians!])  This year, the series of dramas is called Jerusalem Speaks, during which we’ll hear from different Biblical characters each week.  This week we’ll hear from the Servant Girl and Peter the Disciple.  Be sure to also pick up one of the Lenten devotional booklets (while they last!) called The Healing Marks of Jesus to help you on your Lenten journey.  They are available on the Media Table in the narthex.

Another thing you can pick up in the narthex are flyers for the Spaghetti Feed, which is only two weeks away on March 14.  Please let everyone know about this eminently enjoyable fundraiser for Holy Trinity.  As usual, a portion of the proceeds will go to an outside charity, which this year is Reneal International Education Outreach (  If you’d like to help, gift cards and gift baskets for prize drawings are gratefully accepted, as well as help with decorating, set-up, clean-up, serving, etc. – the pasta-bilities are endless!  

Speaking of helping out, the list of people who have signed up as Worship Helpers each week appears at the end of these emails.  I’m also going to start listing the positions that haven’t been signed up for (I mean “up for which no one has signed”) in case you feel led by the Spirit (or a guilt trip from your Parish Life Coordinator) to volunteer.  Please let Carmen know ( if you’re willing to help keep her from scrambling for people the morning of (I’m not even going to try to fix that preposition!).

See you in church!

For complaints about grammar, spelling, made-up words, or overuse of commas and parentheses, please call 1-800-GET-A-LIFE.

– Keith

your friendly (at times) Parish Life Coordinator

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