HTLC News Email, February 4, 2022

Hi, Everybody.  It’s a long ‘un, so grab that coffee! (or maybe something stronger)

This Sunday, February 6, is the 5th Sunday after Epiphany and Name Tag Sunday.  Notice it’s not Nacho Name Tag Sunday – the nachos have been moved to next week for Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday.  But you can still let people know who you are without the reward of nachos, right?  Otherwise, the schedule for everything else this Sunday is as usual (see at the end of this email).  Masks and distancing are still in force.

We are trying a different form for communion this this Sunday in an attempt to make it feel more like a shared meal.  You can come up the center aisle, pick up your individually pre-packaged communion elements, which are spaced out in the tray Pastor Tim is holding, and return down the side aisles to your seat where you can open up and partake of the elements.  Please be mindful of keeping distance between yourself and others.  We will try this and see how it goes.  If you would prefer not to come up to receive the elements, you can still pick them up at the entrance table before the service and commune from your seat.  We won’t be filming the line-up for communion, so we can’t go back to see who really loves Jesus (Kidding!  I’m just kidding!)

Thanks to all who lent a helping hand to Marielle‘s Winter Relief Project! We made about 200 snack bags and personal care bags. We also donated a couple dozen sleeping bags. Here’s what volunteer coordinator Jean Morgan said:  “The Outreach teams were so happy when they picked up the boxes. Please let your group know that they are helping Abode Services 5 different Outreach teams. Your great project is helping our Street Health team and Medical Clinical Homeless teams who are serving and reaching out to people in Fremont, Union City, Newark, Pleasanton, Livermore, Dublin and Pleasanton. We really appreciate your continued support.”  This is just the start! Stay tuned for more Helping Hands projects to come, and thank you!

The Souper Bowl of Caring is next week!  On Super Bowl Sunday each year we join other groups across the nation in collecting donations of food and funds for local food charities. HTLC has participated in this event since 2006. We have raised $10,900 dollars and collected 1,400 non-perishable food items. We can continue to make a difference! Please support Souper Bowl of Caring 2022 (plus, there will be the aforementioned nachos!).

As part of the ACTS for Vitality program, each congregation is asked to name their top three core values.  Probably the easiest way to participate is to email me or Pastor Tim your three most important personal values, but we will also have slips of paper available this Sunday for you to write them on.  You can place them in our boxes or in the offering tray if you prefer to remain anonymous.  Need help?  Here’s a list to get you thinking:  And no fair just quoting our Mission Statement, “To care, to share, to serve!” (unless those really are your top three values!)

Stuff available in the narthex:  Hard copies of your 2021 Giving Statements are ready to pick up.  If you would like a digital version emailed to you, please email Terri.  If you donated to Adopt an Angel last November, there are receipts available on the Media Table for tax purposes.  And there are still Christmas ornaments on the Usher’s Table if you didn’t get one or didn’t get the one you wanted.  I’m sure they will be valuable collector’s items someday (you can display them next to your Hummel figurines and Franklin Mint plates!).

The Jesus and Justice Collective’s next event will be on February 20th from 2-3:30 pm via Zoom with Pastor and Author Dominique DuBois Gilliard.  He is the Director of Racial Righteousness and Reconciliation for the Evangelical Covenant Church.  His book Subversive Witness: Scripture’s Call to Leverage Privilege is powerful (they tell me – I tend to avoid things with “subversive” in the title).  They hope you will join them for the conversation.

Join Social Concerns Committee!  Passionate about charity and caring for others?  Looking to make an impact with Holy Trinity but afraid of time commitment?  Consider being a member of the Social Concerns Committee!  Our Social Concerns Committee has a big impact.  The best part?  They only meet every 3 months or so, and it HAS to be virtual! (Bethany being in Colorado and all)  If you’re curious (and I don’t mean as in “odd”), please contact Bethany Stevenin.  Suggestions for causes are always considered and appreciated!

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

Epiphany 5 – Name Tag Sunday
Zoom Sunday School – 9 am
Zoom Coffee Chat – 9:15 am
Zoom Communion – 9:30 am
Indoor Worship – 10 am
Video of live service will be posted later

10 am
Altar:  Carmen Blair, Terri MacFarlane
Lay Liturgist:  Karen Narveson
Lector:  Kathleen Keating

Feb 13:   Souper Bowl of Caring
Feb 27:   Bold Women’s Sunday
Annual Meeting – 12 pm

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