HTLC News Email, January 03, 2020

Hi, Everybody.  Happy New Year!

This Sunday, January 5, we will be celebrating Epiphany, when Christ is revealed to the Magi through the Bethlehem star.  Really, it’s the second Sunday of Christmas, but since Epiphany starts the next day we’re jumping the gun a little.  Don’t worry, you can still legally wait until Monday to take down your Christmas lights!  It’s also Nacho Name Tag Sunday.  Whether the golden color of chips and cheese are representative of the light of the star is open to interpretation.  We are back to our regular two-service schedule of 8:45 and 11 am services with Sunday School at 10 am.  There is also a Worship Committee Meeting after the second service.  Adult Forum is suspended until we get someone to give John Williams a break in leading it.  Talk to Pastor Tim if you’re interested.  I’m sure you’d be brilliant! 

Tuesday Bible Study is starting up again this week on Tuesday (of course) at 10 am.  You should come.  They laugh an awful lot for a subject as serious as the Bible – sometimes I have to shut the office door to get some peace!  Plus there’s a potluck afterwards on third Tuesdays to which everyone is invited (I emerge from my office just for that!).

We have had a couple of members report that they have gotten emails purporting to be from Pastor Tim asking them to do him favors (like buying gift cards for him).  These are NOT real.  Please do not respond to them in any way or click on any links contained in them.  Here’s one example:

—–Original Message—–
From: Rev Timothy M Huff <>
Sent: Tue, Dec 31, 2019 8:26 am

  Hello How are you doing?
I need a favor from you message me as soon as you get this

God Bless

 Rev. Timothy M. Huff    

Pretty sneaky.  If you get an email that looks like it’s from the church office or Pastor Tim or any other member that seems fishy (I mean the email seems fishy, not the member), please be cautious.  Our email account was hacked a while back and they must have gotten our list of contacts.  We have extra security on our email account now, but the information is already out there for ne’er-do-wells to use.  Click safely!

Here’s my annual suggested New Year’s resolution for you all (mine is to use less parenthetical remarks [darn it – that didn’t last long!]):  become more involved in the church!  Join Choir, Instrumental Group, or Praise Band.  Go to Bible Study or Adult Forum (or lead it!).  Become a worship assistant (it’s easy – Carmen will show you how!).  Help with yard work and repairs (just ask John Williams what needs to be done!).  Bring the largest potato salad to the potluck (don’t be just a speck-tater!).  The church needs your talents!

See you in church!


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